Message from @PunishedMuskovy
Discord ID: 537389998442283010
Maybe you're a Jew yourself
What did I say?
Also ye, nice classism.
There is something inspiring about Hitler
That he was kicked out of college.
So you mock the workers of trade jobs
i am at high school
and you call someone who mocks capitalism a communist
i am still an intelectual
in serbia
I never said that
trade jobs are like what associates degrees used to be
we buy bachelor
Please tell me how good daddy Pinochet is
and his precious helicopters
S.D you retard, he's talking to Modern Man
muh helicopters
He said my name
Serbian president
before the current one
bought doctoriates
@Deleted User It was a humorous remark that chastised you for saying "frick Modern Man".
you fricking fricks
fuck people who spend the majority of their life sitting in a cubicle
Modern Man rather work as a gay porn star
nothing but a cog
better make em work in factory
Some plumbers get more money than an architect in western countries.
and create bigger industrail capacity
You really want to dehumanize someone? put them in a fucking cubicle
perfect for Goldstein Inc
slav man dont work in cubicles
I want to work with my hands
build things
create things
you can do it for free if you do it for Russian government
not be reduced to some cog sitting in a cubicle typing shit out for shekelberg