Message from @Milan
Discord ID: 537398225641144324
I personally love Mesopotamian Architecture
each capital
Greek architecture is my favorite
Middle Eastern architecture is great because of the cultural barriers that increased the importance of geometric patterns/decoration/architecture.
Babylone was epic
they just blitzkrieged middle east
and got wrecked
I thought it was Assyria who did that
Oh yeah, without a doubt. Concrete is like oil; easy to use, but will run out pretty soon. And, on the other hand, you have the sustainable architecture/renewable energy of which a lot of examples are not really good long-term solutions. @Modern Man
bruh its middle east
There was a Assirian-Babilonian empire at one point
Short-term ruination on the one hand, chance of charlatans on the other.
Middle east was historical public house of people's
i mean the way semites ruled
then got wrecked
then persians
than many iran peoples
etc etc...
@PunishedMuskovy Assyria was the Temple of Ashurbanipal
And overall Ziggurats were part of every Mesopotamian culture
Well, there is the Assyrian Empire(it's more like a Kingdom) and the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Neo from New
New Assyrian Empire
thats what Neo means
<#522609806897315870> @PunishedMuskovy
I don't know if exists a Neo Akkadian Empire/Kingdom
the middle east was economic center of the world
I feel bad for Akkad
where all trade was passing by
I feel bad for Sargon
knowing that its history is shoved under the rug
by carl of swindon
he got appropriated by a libtard
Sargon was a virgin anyway