Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 545075558695043096

2019-02-13 01:17:58 UTC  

But I'm sure in 20 years racism will be considered a mental illness worthy of medication, as we're already seeing anti-racism drugs which are just mind control

2019-02-13 01:30:32 UTC  

mihco#2665 *** was banned.***

2019-02-13 01:30:58 UTC  

@|--| ADHD and OCD aren't personality types

2019-02-13 01:31:24 UTC  

in the USA they are treated as such

2019-02-13 01:31:26 UTC  

ADHD is trying really hard to concentrate and not being able to no matter how much effort you put in.

OCD is being mentally coerced into doing weird shit

2019-02-13 01:31:35 UTC  

The problem is the diagnostic criteria is so vague

2019-02-13 01:31:40 UTC  


2019-02-13 01:31:42 UTC  

that it becomes that

2019-02-13 01:31:44 UTC  

It can apply to any retard that gets bored in class

2019-02-13 01:31:52 UTC  

i don't care what the books say I care about how it's enforced

2019-02-13 01:31:55 UTC  

But I have ADHD, and it's more than just getting bored

2019-02-13 01:32:04 UTC  

I almost got diagnosed with ADHD and I skipped 2 grades

2019-02-13 01:33:11 UTC  

The medicine sucks. It works when you're a kid, but not so much when you get older.

2019-02-13 02:53:46 UTC  

I was diagnosed with add and I kinda have it - I can only focus on one thing at a time and everything else gets zoned out; like if i'm thinking about reading a book that's the only think i'm thinking about and I can't notice anything else

2019-02-13 02:54:15 UTC  

are you sure that's add

2019-02-13 02:54:20 UTC  

no i'm not sure

2019-02-13 02:54:25 UTC  

that sounds a lot like the opposite of add

2019-02-13 02:55:01 UTC  

I mean I have a lot of trouble multi tasking, but I have a hard time focusing on everything in general

2019-02-13 02:55:04 UTC  

that's what I got diagnosed with based on some other things like forgetting where things are and getting lost easily

2019-02-13 02:55:28 UTC  

all those diagnoses are bullshit anyway, they tried to pin that on me and put me on drugs when I was a kid

2019-02-13 02:55:40 UTC  

I do well in school and i'm pretty normal just have bad train-of-thought consciousness

2019-02-13 02:56:02 UTC  


2019-02-13 02:56:10 UTC  

don't let them drug you my guy

2019-02-13 02:56:20 UTC  

i'm not on anything for it rn lol

2019-02-13 02:56:24 UTC  

ADHD is a real disorder, the problem is that the diagnostic criteria is way too vague

2019-02-13 02:56:34 UTC  

Used to be for a while but it didn't really help too much

2019-02-13 02:56:35 UTC  

There's definitely a difference with and without the medicine

2019-02-13 02:56:40 UTC  


2019-02-13 02:56:53 UTC  

the problem is medicine is treated as the only form of treatment

2019-02-13 02:56:57 UTC  

which is bad for when you get older

2019-02-13 02:56:58 UTC  


2019-02-13 02:57:25 UTC  

With some effort you can train yourself to be better at certain kinds of mental tasks

2019-02-13 02:58:15 UTC  

Also, I guess you could abuse adhd medicine, but it only "feels good" for about an hour, then you feel like shit

2019-02-13 02:58:29 UTC  

for the rest of the day

2019-02-13 02:58:30 UTC  

I might have been fucked up by medicine, I was a pretty optimistic and hyper-social kid until I went on it and I became pretty cynical a year or two later, but I think school might have caused that instead

2019-02-13 03:36:55 UTC  

2019-02-13 03:40:54 UTC  
2019-02-13 03:40:59 UTC  

Check out <#507040801860091914> and <#521916756852342784>

2019-02-13 03:50:50 UTC  

Ok thanks

2019-02-13 03:52:56 UTC  

why are there so many nazbols here

2019-02-13 03:53:33 UTC  

Because this is a nazbol server, of course.