Message from @|--|

Discord ID: 545050195189170176

2019-02-12 20:02:03 UTC  

I remember you too mihco

2019-02-12 21:02:55 UTC

2019-02-12 23:16:16 UTC  

Sounds like my grandma

2019-02-12 23:16:44 UTC  

i think mental illness is just being diagnosed more

2019-02-12 23:17:01 UTC  

I added on to the question

2019-02-12 23:20:30 UTC  

I think it's a combination of increasing depression and increasing desire to give patients profitable and easy medication to fix the problem. Some people might need meds, but doctors rarely even try to solve the issue without meds. I think people are more depressed because modern life has largely lost meaning beyond being cog in the machine and people have fewer close relationships. People don't have a sense of belonging and making a difference.

2019-02-12 23:25:19 UTC  

It's all in there heads. Most of these people don't have a mental illness

2019-02-12 23:25:45 UTC  

I made some new <#521916756852342784> regarding this topic

2019-02-12 23:25:53 UTC  

I think this will be an interesting discussion

2019-02-12 23:33:20 UTC  

@t r u e tbh I feel like the acceleration of technology and loss of more personal relationships has contributed to that

2019-02-12 23:35:45 UTC  

so many people just sit and stare at screens nowadays

2019-02-12 23:36:31 UTC  

I’ll admit I spend an unhealthy amount of time in front of screens too but like at least I know how to talk to people

2019-02-12 23:37:08 UTC  

the main reason I use them so much is because where I live my friends live like 30-40 miles away from me so there isn’t much I can do besides electronic shit or outdoors shit

2019-02-12 23:41:03 UTC  

Yeah, I agree. Technology certainly comes with a cost. Gaming is one of the worst things, it hijacks our desire to have a goal, work towards it and achieve it (the power process). We spend years "accomplishing" false goals but getting a real dopamine rush. It's no coincidence that the most competitive among us, males, are the ones most effected and that males prefer competitive games. It makes us impotent in a lot of ways. Who knows what we could do without that addictive distraction.

2019-02-12 23:50:45 UTC  

I resisted being too anti-technology, at least not to the point that I thought we had to get rid of most of it. However, that is increasingly becoming my point of view. We pollute our bodies, babies are born with industrial chemicals in their blood and we don't know the impact (things like Teflon). We pollute nature so that there is no where to escape the pollutants and they accumulate because they take forever to break down. We kill ourselves working so that more and more stuff can be made because this is what makes the capitalists wealthy and we are all to happy to buy and be consumers of needless crap. Our entire society is built around this system of consumption, needless crap, working for those who profit from this needless crap and politicians serve these same people. We have not build technology that encourages the good in humans, we have not made it work for us. We have encouraged the most destructive behaviors and we now work for technology.

2019-02-13 00:07:10 UTC  

This describes the problem with Curt Doolittle

2019-02-13 00:10:38 UTC  

Amazing. Now I know what's the problem with Curt Doolittle.

2019-02-13 01:13:34 UTC  

Many Americans are taking some form of mind altering medication.

Is mental illness more widespread, or is it simply being identified and diagnosed more than it has been in the past?

If no to both of these, do you believe that the medical industry is taking advantage of these people? If so, why?

2019-02-13 01:13:57 UTC  

autism/OCD/ADHD/ADD in most cases are just personality types that do not gel well with modern work and education

2019-02-13 01:14:28 UTC  

teachers diagnose you with this because you refuse to attend your state mandated mind control sessions for 12 years or more (public education)

2019-02-13 01:14:53 UTC  

psychology propogates it's existence via finding more and more diseases so they can get more and more clients

2019-02-13 01:15:09 UTC  

Diet probably causes most issues with kids being hyper

2019-02-13 01:15:16 UTC  

People are eating shit so they feel shit then they act like shit

2019-02-13 01:16:11 UTC  

Psychology itself is retarded because it's just the general public taking a biased approach against indviduals they deem not normal

2019-02-13 01:17:02 UTC  

In every single country psychology and psychiatry have been weaponized and used to attack groups i.e. nazis with communists, communists with capitalists, religious vs heretics, etc.

2019-02-13 01:17:09 UTC  

it shouldn't be a public issue imo

2019-02-13 01:17:14 UTC  

Of course generally crazy people exist though

2019-02-13 01:17:58 UTC  

But I'm sure in 20 years racism will be considered a mental illness worthy of medication, as we're already seeing anti-racism drugs which are just mind control

2019-02-13 01:30:32 UTC  

mihco#2665 *** was banned.***

2019-02-13 01:30:58 UTC  

@|--| ADHD and OCD aren't personality types

2019-02-13 01:31:24 UTC  

in the USA they are treated as such

2019-02-13 01:31:26 UTC  

ADHD is trying really hard to concentrate and not being able to no matter how much effort you put in.

OCD is being mentally coerced into doing weird shit

2019-02-13 01:31:35 UTC  

The problem is the diagnostic criteria is so vague

2019-02-13 01:31:40 UTC  


2019-02-13 01:31:42 UTC  

that it becomes that

2019-02-13 01:31:44 UTC  

It can apply to any retard that gets bored in class

2019-02-13 01:31:52 UTC  

i don't care what the books say I care about how it's enforced

2019-02-13 01:31:55 UTC  

But I have ADHD, and it's more than just getting bored

2019-02-13 01:32:04 UTC  

I almost got diagnosed with ADHD and I skipped 2 grades

2019-02-13 01:33:11 UTC  

The medicine sucks. It works when you're a kid, but not so much when you get older.

2019-02-13 02:53:46 UTC  

I was diagnosed with add and I kinda have it - I can only focus on one thing at a time and everything else gets zoned out; like if i'm thinking about reading a book that's the only think i'm thinking about and I can't notice anything else