Message from @Cybel

Discord ID: 299737614196408321

2017-04-07 02:44:45 UTC  

Apathy is king when you don't humanize the groups you talk about

2017-04-07 02:45:16 UTC  

i just wanna get my dick wet

2017-04-07 02:45:33 UTC  

Get an arranged marriage then

2017-04-07 02:45:38 UTC  


2017-04-07 02:45:57 UTC  

Or try not being apathetic towards people

2017-04-07 02:46:05 UTC  

marriage is bullshit scam

2017-04-07 02:46:09 UTC  

holhdup im talking to someone gose

2017-04-07 02:46:16 UTC  

Well duh

2017-04-07 02:46:30 UTC  

i just have to fake it til i make it

2017-04-07 02:46:52 UTC  

my face is always blank

2017-04-07 02:47:06 UTC  

tbh sex really sucks when you don't care about the other person

2017-04-07 02:47:06 UTC  

unless im faking shit

2017-04-07 02:47:44 UTC  

im incapable of love

2017-04-07 02:47:49 UTC  

I didn't say love

2017-04-07 02:47:56 UTC  

I just don't have the capability to care about things the way "normal" adults do.

2017-04-07 02:48:55 UTC  

There's no 'normal' way to care

2017-04-07 02:49:03 UTC  

i am kinda slow mentally so cant catch onto things

2017-04-07 02:49:07 UTC  

That's why I put it in quotes.

2017-04-07 02:49:19 UTC  


2017-04-07 02:50:09 UTC  

If you really just wanna get laid then look for someone who at least shares a similar ideal

2017-04-07 02:50:16 UTC  


2017-04-07 02:50:33 UTC  

cause anything else will make it all shit

2017-04-07 02:51:11 UTC  

y'all hype for WWIII?

2017-04-07 02:51:35 UTC  

im about to send vik dick pics

2017-04-07 02:52:06 UTC  

what are you, gay?

2017-04-07 02:52:15 UTC  

you get the president you deserve folks

2017-04-07 02:52:23 UTC  

trump was a neocon from the start

2017-04-07 02:52:36 UTC  

what the hell did people think when he said "bomb the shit out of ISIS"

2017-04-07 02:53:12 UTC  

Sometimes I don't know what I am supposed to do. Am I supposed to pretend like I care about stuff so I don't seem like a freak or is it better just to be honest about who I am?

2017-04-07 02:53:26 UTC  


2017-04-07 02:54:25 UTC  

"Bomb the browns" - America, 1788-2017

2017-04-07 02:59:16 UTC  


2017-04-07 02:59:18 UTC  

vik aain

2017-04-07 02:59:21 UTC  


2017-04-07 03:00:55 UTC  

Thats the truest thing you've said

2017-04-07 03:01:03 UTC  

In this entire server

2017-04-07 03:01:04 UTC  


2017-04-07 03:02:59 UTC  

i swear, trump idolators will defend this shit

2017-04-07 03:03:12 UTC  

pray for the syrians, these next few years are going to be hell on earth for them

2017-04-07 03:03:20 UTC  

trumps base is pissed at him

2017-04-07 03:03:27 UTC  

i hope so