Message from @dani(el)

Discord ID: 303153454594129920

2017-04-16 12:13:26 UTC  

Anything really

2017-04-16 12:15:24 UTC  


2017-04-16 12:15:31 UTC  

Well, I have nothing so good luck.

2017-04-16 12:15:32 UTC  

Hi Naemy

2017-04-16 12:15:38 UTC  


2017-04-16 12:16:23 UTC  

Bored and lonely

2017-04-16 12:33:46 UTC  

hows it goin lads

2017-04-16 12:42:53 UTC  

Hi Kek

2017-04-16 12:44:25 UTC  

Someone! Entertain me!

2017-04-16 12:47:34 UTC  

I'd like to, my dear. However, your wholesomely measly intellect is collectively unable to process the merits of comical discussion, therefore, pancake.

2017-04-16 12:51:23 UTC  


2017-04-16 12:51:24 UTC  

i'm so sick

2017-04-16 12:52:31 UTC  

Then don't be so sick

2017-04-16 12:52:34 UTC  

Look at your body

2017-04-16 12:52:36 UTC  

Look at it

2017-04-16 12:52:37 UTC  

And shout

2017-04-16 12:52:42 UTC  


2017-04-16 12:59:32 UTC  

i have tried many times

2017-04-16 12:59:56 UTC  

Then your body is a shit

2017-04-16 13:01:49 UTC  

Beat it until it stops being sick

2017-04-16 13:03:35 UTC  


2017-04-16 13:07:27 UTC  

When I'm gone, everybody gonna remember my order.
One with cheese,
And a large soda.
- Big Smoke's Last Words, 1992

2017-04-16 13:07:52 UTC  

And maybe have a three way involving a cripple from London, it'll probably help

2017-04-16 13:09:04 UTC  

Join me, brothers and sisters. Join me in preying on the weak together. Never before has there been a greater cause!
That which is sacrament, we shall defile, that which is sublime, we will corrupt, that which gets triggered, we will destroy for the power of Kekistan, knows no bounds! Shitposting is all, triggering is all! Rejoice, for we, the Shitlords, will be your martyrs!

2017-04-16 13:10:33 UTC  

Can I be the lieutenant of the shitlord army?

2017-04-16 13:10:54 UTC  

You must prove thineself worthy

2017-04-16 13:11:13 UTC  

How shall I my lord?

2017-04-16 13:11:23 UTC  

Go forth and trigger

2017-04-16 13:11:29 UTC  

Bring me their tears as tribute!

2017-04-16 13:12:30 UTC  

And send screenshots as proof of your victory!

2017-04-16 13:13:33 UTC  

Where shall I do it my lord?

2017-04-16 13:14:53 UTC  

Wherever the vulnerable are, we shall be there. Wherever there is a safe space, we will be there. Wherever there is circly-jerking, we will be there.

2017-04-16 13:15:02 UTC  

Let there be no place for the weak to hide.

2017-04-16 13:15:16 UTC  

Yes my lord!

2017-04-16 13:15:18 UTC  

And let their cries fill the skies!

2017-04-16 13:16:06 UTC  

Also have good grammar :p

2017-04-16 13:16:16 UTC  

Of course my lord

2017-04-16 13:16:42 UTC  

A shitlord knight is nothing if not composed.

2017-04-16 13:16:55 UTC  

Praise Kek!

2017-04-16 13:16:56 UTC  

is amanda bynes dead yet

2017-04-16 13:17:04 UTC  

Hi Slime!