Message from @mattforney
Discord ID: 554712515548938260
“MAGA was a mistake” fuck off you pansy
anyone who deifies an elderly cat lady deserves endless ridicule
Totally. She is a member of the Lügenpresse and buddies with Bill Maher, no kids, rips off Pat Buchanan and whines incessantly
Fuck the boomers, Robespierre did nothing wrong, behead these bastard kings.
@mattforney very much enjoyed the exetended mix of "fuck the boomers" on your show today! props
For those who vouch for lighters as a matter of aesthetics, don't forget the Old World elegance of a luxury matchbox. An Italian pewter box from Match ($160) complements any smoking room table. And—unlike some aforementioned lighting devices—you don't have to worry about losing it in between your couch cushions.
Logan’s Run is the blueprint to solving the Boomer Question
Fuck you
Yeah, kill everyone over 21
The current generation is the first one that I know of to actively call for the deaths of their elders. Fuck all of you. Bunch of goddamned spoiled brats.
If you couldn’t tell that was a joke I feel immense sorrow for you
@anon I will personally testify to ensure you get left alone, you're one of the good ones
@mattforney Would you unironically pick Yang, Tulsi, Bernie, or Biden if they were going up against a neocon like Jeb or Rubio?
Yang yes. The rest no.
I'd vote for Tulsi, Yang, or Bernie over Jeb or Rubio. They all have decent foreign policy positions.
Any of the others I'd have to go third party (like I did with Romney).
Actually you know anon was right, Logan’s Run is not the blueprint to solving the Boomer Question. Soylent Green is a much better plan.
miss me with that cannibalism shid
Humans are a near infinite resource
I'd vote 4 my guy Jeb!
The solution is... I forgot the solution to the boomer question.
Jesus Christ break on Pogostick!
It made more sense when it said 'Christians.'
^ Boomer alert
Bah. I forgot to tell you something about these motivational posters. If I recollect it right, the font is called Antigua.
I can also give you out a template I have flying around somewhere. Just say the word.
I am sorry but, Catholic though I may be, I know a shit ton of Christians to whom this directly applies.
They're spiritual Boomers
Which in that case, I’ve already devised a solution for.