Message from @BoogieKnight
Discord ID: 554832308142735405
Humans are a near infinite resource
I'd vote 4 my guy Jeb!
The solution is... I forgot the solution to the boomer question.
Jesus Christ break on Pogostick!
It made more sense when it said 'Christians.'
^ Boomer alert
Bah. I forgot to tell you something about these motivational posters. If I recollect it right, the font is called Antigua.
I can also give you out a template I have flying around somewhere. Just say the word.
I am sorry but, Catholic though I may be, I know a shit ton of Christians to whom this directly applies.
They're spiritual Boomers
Which in that case, I’ve already devised a solution for.
A final solution, perhaps?
We Soylent Green them.
I get the feeling that vegans are delicious. Especially the straight edge ones.
Make sure they get enough pre and pro biotics to break down anti nutrients, and they are like beef.
Very lean meat. Like kangaroos.
@ian KANGEROOS! Yes. That is the comparison. Kangaroo or maybe ostrich.
@BoogieKnight They would be the sweet spot in the middle. Maybe allow them some microbrew treats at the gastro pub here or there to add to the flavor. Whole grains and corn for the fat content, assuming they can digest corn.
I guarantee you the "father" is trying to force the breakup so his dirty little secret stays a secret. There's no way it out of concern for his daughter's well being.
interesting detail re: Yang
one of his proposals, post office banking, was something the U.S. used to do
there was a Postal Savings System from 1911 to 1967
Are you fucking kidding me? We have that in privatized form for like 25 years.
define "we"
I assume you're not American
By we I mean my country.
yes, I researched it and a bunch of European countries still have postal banking
Postal banking is also the only option if you blew it with the credit union. I didn't know that the US got rid of it. In fact, I figured it was something unique that only my country has.
it used to be fairly common
but it looks like the U.S. and other countries abolished it because it was cutting into the banksters' profits
How dastardly.