Message from @Boru
Discord ID: 331967461802901508
I'll blame the Jews for that one
No, I don't have evidence but generally when a long game move has been played against us they were behind it.
(((They))) were the ones who brought the blacks over here in the first place.
@Athena Marie The Hart-(((Cellar))) immigration act
Start there and you will have all the proof you need.
Thank you
Tikis are huwhyte. That's why we're using them again.
And its a meme
Tiki torch nationalism
Paddy Tarleton will be performing at the rally so make sure you get there early if you can.
keep (((masqitos))) away
Tiki torch nationalism
I like Bunker's version
It keeps the niggers away too
Did everyone watch the young Turks freak out video where they call us the alt-Klan
No, I don't follow the young Turks. I'm not a sodomite
I don't follow them, but I insist on tracking my enemies
Fair enough
I am but a simple woman. I don't think tactically like the men do.
Plenty of the articles cited libtards and cucks who were quoted saying they "thought it was a dumb move and insensitive to the history of racial intimidation"
We waz klansmen n sheit
They are so disoriented right now that they are going to latch on to any and everything they can in order to get their screeeeeee in
It's like they have no concept of who they were talking about. Like mad dimension said it's a meme. They are going to call us the klan anyway
Might as well highlight this because even more outlets talk about our event this way.
We did look pretty klan like with the tiki torches last time
Not really. But it was a really awesome atmosphere.
It was like a White Nationalist pep rally
If it were asians or niggers holding candles and torches would you say that @Fevs ? No. We need to control the narrative. It was a vigil, not a Klan meeting.
Yeah I know it wasn't. It was extremely huwhite
@Athena Marie I have been to vigils.
This wasn't exactly that type atmosphere
Probably wrong word, but I hope you get what I was saying.
Personally, I like the Klan look but I am pretty sure it wouldn't work for several organizations who are attending.
If anyone wants a comparison, go to an Orthodox Church for Pascha. Same optics, whit people carrying candles in a procession.
Just a vigil with nationalist chanting ;)