Message from @Farunel

Discord ID: 639410491113865268

2019-10-31 10:26:53 UTC  

I dont like white onions raw that much still tbh

2019-10-31 10:26:57 UTC  

but that's about it

2019-10-31 10:26:58 UTC  

I'm more of a texture eater over taste

2019-10-31 10:27:04 UTC  

I love leeks, green onions, chives, red onions

2019-10-31 10:27:12 UTC  

meaning oysters and lychees can fuck right off

2019-10-31 10:27:30 UTC  

mmm oysters

2019-10-31 10:27:36 UTC  

boiled clams

2019-10-31 10:27:46 UTC  

I like seafood

2019-10-31 10:27:52 UTC  

Liver is disgusting

2019-10-31 10:27:55 UTC  

onions are pretty good but fuck mushrooms

2019-10-31 10:27:56 UTC  

I dont care how fucking good for you it is

2019-10-31 10:27:59 UTC  

those be nasty as sin

2019-10-31 10:28:00 UTC  


2019-10-31 10:28:16 UTC  

I had a liver patte that was SWEET at a french restaurant once

2019-10-31 10:28:25 UTC  

I knew I didnt like liver but I am one of those that if I dont like something

2019-10-31 10:28:31 UTC  

I've had liver before and it was made well so I liked it but I wanna grill some liver tbh

2019-10-31 10:28:34 UTC  

I'll repeatedly try it in different ways to force myself to like it

2019-10-31 10:28:39 UTC  

Liver isn't one of those

2019-10-31 10:28:40 UTC  

not a fan of seafood. I'm sure oysters and lychees and other "snot" like foods taste ok but nope. Can't do it

2019-10-31 10:28:56 UTC  


2019-10-31 10:29:00 UTC  

I like clams over oysters

2019-10-31 10:29:06 UTC  

salmon is nyummy

2019-10-31 10:29:22 UTC  

i like raw salmon. not a fan of it cooked

2019-10-31 10:29:25 UTC  

I had mussels that were cooked in wine and butter and garlic at a restaurant

2019-10-31 10:29:31 UTC  

Idk what else they did to it

2019-10-31 10:29:32 UTC  


2019-10-31 10:29:37 UTC  

It was delicious as fuck

2019-10-31 10:29:48 UTC  

never had it raw I'm kinda afraid to have raw fish cause I know fish is typically polluted much worse than beef

2019-10-31 10:29:53 UTC  

fuck now I want sushi

2019-10-31 10:30:02 UTC  

Sardines are safe!

2019-10-31 10:30:11 UTC  

Sardines are among the cleanest fish

2019-10-31 10:30:22 UTC  

meaning I'll have to get it on the DL because partner cant have gluten which means I can't have gluten when I'm around him

2019-10-31 10:30:25 UTC  

I love sushi

2019-10-31 10:30:32 UTC  

tfw celiac

2019-10-31 10:30:48 UTC  


2019-10-31 10:30:50 UTC  

I dont care if people around me eat it though

2019-10-31 10:31:12 UTC  

But I'm used to this shit. Sister and mom were diagnosed around 14-16 years ago

2019-10-31 10:31:25 UTC  

partner has it bad. I avoid gluten around him because I know he wants to eat the same shit I do but can't so its a respect thing I guess?

2019-10-31 10:31:33 UTC  

*I tried to believe I skipped that genetic lottery for a really long time*

2019-10-31 10:31:42 UTC  

on the flip side though

2019-10-31 10:31:58 UTC  

my body can't process certain things either