Message from @Erika
Discord ID: 328649092655874049
@ale @boilerplate could've been more, but I'm just judging from the couple livestreams I saw. It was pretty impressive that our rally had a much bigger turnout than the alt-lite rally.
@boilerplate did you go to DC to stand with them?
I dont believe hes critisizing our groups for the turnout. We just know that this system hinders our people from setting aside time. But eventually more and more will wake up. DC is a harder trip for us Chicago guys haha its because of all my travelling state to state that my cars not in shape to make trips for a bit loo
I'm sure many of us would've gone if the funds were there. I would've flown up if I could've. I do believe many came from around the New England and tristate area, though.
@Erika Boilerplate has been to more events and in contentious places than almost any of us.
I think he's venting frustration that more people aren't aware.
Well they also planned it on a fucking Sunday, which was a bad idea
I think many people are aware. But I also think many people are still afraid to come out.
Wasn't today's event put together relatively short notice as well?
Not that there isn't a need to engage like that every so often, but numbers will be smaller by nature.
@HipToTheJQ do people, other than church goers, do things on a Sunday? Obviously Saturday would've been better, but I don't think Sunday is a particularly bad day to hold a rally.
All in all, 1/2ish the numbers of Charlottesville 1 with only a small segment of the country attending is progress, actually
You gotta think about drive time and work schedules
That's actually a great turnout
@Erika People typically work on Monday and if they need to travel a long way they might not be able to get back at a reasonable time
If it's a more local demonstration obviously Sunday is fine
But if it's meant to be an event with a huge turnout and lots of people traveling over than Sunday isn't the best. I think it turned out fine overall despite that
Anyone know about anything over next week in celebration of the 4th
For 4th of july people should all find and post 4 Jew Lies
I mean, I'm personally not discouraged by the turnout. The alt-lite specifically tried to sabotage this rally, and we ended up getting a bigger turnout than several alt-lite figures with 100K+ twitter followers. We never would've had this many people show up in uniform showing their faces and cheering on people like Richard, Nathan, and Enoch. Most people didn't even know they were last year at this time, and now we have a couple hundred people showing up on short term notice to support.
Im happy with any reasonable turnout. Ive been there for terrible turnouts..(St Paul).. So Im fine with all of this lol
Cville 2.0 is gonna be fantastic. I'm not worried.
Any goys for az going
I want to have an event at my buddys here in rural Ilinois soon
Hahahaha that stage tho
We have a speakers platform right before a bonfire pit
Old fuckin school Fash
@FürMeineKameraden(TWP - NC) love that quote!
@AltCelt(IL) I really like the idea.
He said hes down and all are welcome to camp. Whenever/if we decide some time.
I think there's a place for private only gatherings where we can create some controlled optics and get "coverage" for only friendly outlets.
They called us the alt-klan from Charlottesville 1. What else is there? We aren't doing this to get their approval.
@everyone Make sure you are donating or have donated to our fundraiser, we need to help these folks out, encourage likeminded friends and anyone who might want to help, share this link around
Ill toss somethin to it. A few weeks ago I donated to the Suidlanders themselves also.
@FürMeineKameraden(TWP - NC) Yeah we have a huge team but can't get most of em off their laptops. Should call them AltTight
@Erika Maybe it's because I counted people who were simply there and obviously not our goys, but I would say at least 200. I've been at a lot of different events that had 100-200 people, not necessarily associated w/ the alt-right.
That terrace was pretty densely covered.