Message from @CiceroTheSecond

Discord ID: 648883909794332672

2019-11-26 03:57:54 UTC  

so how do these dinosaur bones have soft tissue anyway?

2019-11-26 03:59:05 UTC  

check mate

2019-11-26 04:10:10 UTC  

post your video you fucking nigger

2019-11-26 04:11:02 UTC  

why? so you can report my channel and get it shut down? adress the argument you bitch

2019-11-26 04:11:38 UTC  


2019-11-26 04:12:00 UTC  

I want to laugh at you

2019-11-26 04:12:29 UTC  

that is what i have been doing this whole time 🤣

2019-11-26 04:12:38 UTC  

you guys are a joke

2019-11-26 04:23:55 UTC  

cum in your nose

2019-11-26 04:32:26 UTC  

intelligent response.

2019-11-26 04:52:56 UTC  


2019-11-26 12:22:23 UTC  

Soft tissue is found in fossils because some of the actual bone marrow avoided the fossilization process, yet didn't rot because of the bone protecting it

2019-11-26 12:22:30 UTC  

that or cartilage remained that was also spared

2019-11-26 12:22:35 UTC  

this is a very simple problem

2019-11-26 12:23:05 UTC  

apparently, pointing out something people don't always know and adding a question mark to the end of it counts as something debunking one of the theories with the largest amount of evidence

2019-11-26 12:23:25 UTC  

You're fucking laughable. Try again when your IQ isn't the same as your age.

2019-11-26 12:38:27 UTC  

I thought this was dedicated to serious discussion not being a retarded @Puppet Master

2019-11-26 13:52:18 UTC  

@CiceroTheSecond Antifa are a bunch of weaklings

2019-11-26 13:52:30 UTC  

What can they do that then system can't?

2019-11-26 13:52:35 UTC  

this is true.

2019-11-26 13:52:59 UTC  

it’s been said if men cared about their bodies more, there would be no low-T, spineless commie wannabes roaming the streets & doxxing people

2019-11-26 13:56:01 UTC  

Exactly. So how could such weaklings be a great threat? Growing government surveillance is a much bigger one.

2019-11-26 14:00:15 UTC  

dude what? lmao it’s a numbers game. look what happened to the Proud Boys, Berkeley college, the routine protests antifa holds in the tri-state area on the east coast. they have operations in *fucking Nebraska.* it’s an intelligence/doxxing campaign mostly, but any domestic organizing will be met with antifa. they’ve effectively monopolized freedom of association. you’re gunna tell me the Feds matter (only extra-governmental surveillance matters like the ADL & SPLC; the supreme court in 1978 let actual american Nazis march through a predominantly neighborhood) if you get past antifa, then it’s a *different* problem, not the same one

2019-11-26 14:00:47 UTC  

the case i referenced was Collins vs. Smith (1978) btw

2019-11-26 14:01:07 UTC  

antifa matters because they swarm domestic groups. they’re shocktroops full stop. this is know by everyone

2019-11-26 14:02:30 UTC  

they’ve terrorized the minds of people who want change. like the immortal Mussolini said, “the socialists (in this case, antifa) ask what our program is. our program is to bash the heads of the socialists (again, antifa in modernity.) this is largely what Oswald Mosley did as well. mischaracterizations, bitter rage, all these things come from the opposition.

2019-11-26 14:02:45 UTC  

i’m not suggesting an equivalence btw. just saying

2019-11-26 14:08:44 UTC  

Sure they're a threat unorganized protesters, but if you organize a defense force you'd probably win. But the fact of the matter is that protests and rallies are not things that matter. Fascism is gonna be established by a revolution, not by protests.

2019-11-26 14:09:26 UTC  

And calling antifa socialists is an insult to socialism. They're a rabble of prog cowards.

2019-11-26 14:09:29 UTC  
2019-11-26 14:11:46 UTC  

Mosley organized a defense force and after that he was able to keep out the rabble.

2019-11-26 14:15:30 UTC  

that’s exactly what was implied by my message, defense tactics.

see also: “monopolizing freedom of association” & no, i didn’t say antifa are socialists; see “i’m not saying there’s an equivalence”

2019-11-26 14:15:38 UTC  

i agree with you on what needs to be done dude

2019-11-26 14:15:42 UTC  

it’s just no one has the balls

2019-11-26 14:15:49 UTC  

ideas are defended with force, not debates

2019-11-26 14:16:04 UTC  

youtube celebrities are fucking scum of the earth because they don’t organize the audience they have.

2019-11-26 14:17:23 UTC  

& a revolution is only successful *when the opposition is taken out.*

literally, hitler fought for what, 10 years just to get a chance at election? Walter Ulbricht had a stronghold on working-class neighborhoods in Berlin. in Mein Kampf, he talks about the reds infiltrating some meetings & starting fights.

2019-11-26 14:17:29 UTC  

paramilitary defense is the only way

2019-11-26 14:17:36 UTC  

antifa doesn’t believe in weapons lmfao

2019-11-26 14:20:05 UTC  

Yeah ok.

2019-11-26 14:20:26 UTC  

There are grassroots groups organizing to do stuff