Message from @MOnKe
Discord ID: 625681584862920714
as a percentage of the pop
same for hungary I believe
@Deleted User not just due to Gepids mixing with Dacians but also because of Saxons
@Deleted User stop coping
no they aren't lmfao
there is so little germanic in romania
Romania is more slavic
than anything
Slavic med and thracian
and south slavic
plus mixed with other native balkan tribes
Yeah that too, still more Nordic than that faggot Floki making wooden dildos
makes sense geographically also
Romania is a hoax
who even is this floki?
It’s not real
did you fork him?
@MOnKe a Siegefag known for making wooden dildos
christians aren't much better
they wear anal beans
I openly said to Floki about his statues being Dildos and he called in all his personal Army of shills over out of butthurt
At least we Christians do not carve wooden dildos
i know who uu re now
dm the guess
u will wonder now if i know or no
I know u know
do you know i know
cuz ur jidf