Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 625688249041420308
Imagine using a gun as a dildo and firing it
Imagine it being a shotgun
they're just a physical material manifestation of the gods anyways, just as a reminder when you're doing rituals
not that important
People who are dumb enough to do that deserve it
as the gods are spiritual and eternal
imagine it being a 25mm anti tank rifle
but yeah aesthetics wise they're pretty good
but if you have a physical altar it helps with rituals easier
in your bedroom and stuff
I found a crazy guy that would run up to people asking for money
When they said no he would shout
norse paganism is so overrated that it makes me cringe
idk why
especially when americans larp as it
actual european nordics fine no problem
@Deleted User that's not that bad of a carving. the hat is autistic tho
Should I have called the cops
I think he needs to be sent somewhere where they can take care of him
southern european forms of ethnic paganism are extremely overrated, or maybe it's that we're not as loud on the internet as the norse
Like a mental hospital
I know many of them irl now in Greece
in different movements
Any Indo European paganism is pretty similar ngl
@ΕΘΝΙΚH ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗbig qquestion
@Mankn II or Jail
similar only in the manifestation of the gods
Im never turning pagan
and some rituals
different in everything else
This is part of the reason why pagans use the Vedas
You dont send crazies to jail
@Mankn II me neither, I do not pray to Dildos like Floki
it's similar in the meaning of the myths for the most part
@Deleted Useranother joke about pagans and Im sending you to the prisons
that's what a lot of christians say