Message from @IliasSpook

Discord ID: 625723922603573280

2019-09-23 16:00:48 UTC  

More like decent

2019-09-23 16:01:04 UTC  

Elective monarchy is better

2019-09-23 16:01:40 UTC  

Kill all monarchs and monarchists

2019-09-23 16:01:48 UTC  

Eat their livers

2019-09-23 16:01:51 UTC  

"King Joffery, chosen king by god because his father king Stannis fucked queen Steffany"

2019-09-23 16:02:04 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:02:08 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:02:15 UTC  

That’s totally wrong in regards of GoT though

2019-09-23 16:02:17 UTC  

@Traveler eat the livers to absorb them and thus drink more

2019-09-23 16:02:24 UTC  

Cumming in the right person makes them chosen by god

2019-09-23 16:02:33 UTC  

I just picked names that first came to mind

2019-09-23 16:02:38 UTC  

God lead the cum

2019-09-23 16:02:42 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:02:50 UTC  

God wants you to cum inside royal waifus

2019-09-23 16:02:54 UTC  

god IS the cum

2019-09-23 16:02:55 UTC  

Against their consent

2019-09-23 16:02:59 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:03:16 UTC  

@IliasSpook you used to have Monarchist rank too, i was the one who told you our royal famil was German

2019-09-23 16:03:25 UTC  

I realized monarchy was like

2019-09-23 16:03:26 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:03:28 UTC  

A good

2019-09-23 16:03:31 UTC  

and he realised its retarded

2019-09-23 16:03:35 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:03:45 UTC  

>also boasting your royal family was of a different ethnicty

2019-09-23 16:03:47 UTC  

I stopped being big stupid since my monarchist days

2019-09-23 16:03:51 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:03:57 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:04:04 UTC  

Imagine being ruled by foreigners lol

2019-09-23 16:04:10 UTC  

thats like me going

2019-09-23 16:04:16 UTC  

Wasn’t the royal family of Britain German

2019-09-23 16:04:22 UTC  

"hahaha i wish we were ruled by the russians again :DDDD"

2019-09-23 16:04:39 UTC  

@IliasSpook they came from hannover which is where the saxons came from.

2019-09-23 16:04:51 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:06:09 UTC  

What does mankn mean?

2019-09-23 16:06:29 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:07:12 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:07:35 UTC  

>dnanidreFŠiandien 18:54
@MonarcHH KKKiller me and Veritas are proud Monarchists, got a problem with it?

From this day on Monarchists get a place reserved at the gay pride parade

2019-09-23 16:07:53 UTC  

to show how proud they are

2019-09-23 16:07:56 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:07:56 UTC  


2019-09-23 16:08:15 UTC  

Lesbians Gays Bisexuals Transexuals Monarchists