Discord ID: 625742983471431681
so no probs for me then
@Traveler read my cool new nickname
Did he get banned?
These dudes sit around feeling sorry for themselves because they can't get a date instead of growing a pair, taking a fucking shower, losing 300 lbs, and otherwise engaging in self improvement to become the kind of guy that a woman would want to be with.
Not everyone is Fatkn
That guy isn't that fat
He might have left
But he's 21 and got caught hitting on a 14 year old trap
They may not all be fat but an awful lot of them are.
And Mauser isn't even a trap
It was a lure @Capitanul
Incels should be viewed as an insult to manhood itself because of their pathetic, soy-ish ways.
He was hitting on Mauser thinking he was a girl dispite it being known he was 14
But mauser went with it an made it even worse for him
Nihil left ?
got kicked
I wanted to see his defense
battery up the pp in greek
Yeah lol
he just shouted LIES
Didn't know μαπαρια
I have the cbt video
@Østén Mádéru don't
Post it
I'm not posting it here @anthr0pos
@Østén Mádéru Give me that video in dm
If people want it
I'll dm it
@anthr0pos it's μπαταρια
μπ for b in Greek
we don't have a letter for b
we combine 2