Message from @sopremOTIST
Discord ID: 631956897267712020
only books I need are the Holy Bible and the Declaration of Independence yee haw buckaroo
The jews doomed their own race when they murdere Christ
I remember someone reffering to it as fascist manifesto
change my mind
you cant
"Ireland was on the verge of starvation, her population rapidly increasing,"
Literally nigger tier shit
but you know what else we can't change
Lainus supports the Irish because they're his fellow negroid
shut up anglo
That moment when you argument is based on a typo
a nigger can easily distinguish another nigger
hence why the state is a nigger
What do you think about Mussolini's views on spirituality on the fascist manifesto? @Comrade King
>calls others niggers
I support the Irish because they were treated like shit by a tyrannical foreign government
what do you think about mussolini's bigass forehead
Oh christ what the fuck?
The fuck is going on?
that's what your mom said last night
fuck's sake go outside
Also sorry state ireland belongs to the irish.
@anthr0pos like his views on democracy?
and drink alcohol
cum on the british invaders
Im with lanius.
@Mankn II I support the British because if we use the Irish's logic to justify why Ulster belongs to them, the US would have to surrender all its land
come out ye british fags
No amount of ethnic replacement could change that
brown people don't have opinions
Unless they like fully genocides the northern itish
that's why no one listens to lanius