Message from @Crusader
Discord ID: 631958742182658049
@Mankn II the english are actually only about 40-60% germanic
The dude with the v name
The rest is celtic
Vertertix or something
That shit is stupid to remember
in fact the romans called Caesar out for inviting Roman gauls to the senate
Nothing positive was ever said about the Irish though
@The Desert Fox V Still majority German
and their culture is German
Romans were also pissed that Caesar was also treating them like shit
that's not what the erotic story said
Romans have observers in Ireland
@Mankn II english culture has many aspects of celtic culture. The entire county system for instance is celtic
You know who never said anything good about the Irish
Just because they didn't conquer a place doesn't mean they never made notes about them
the guy that got a bomb in the mail
Oh god
England needs to sink
England has more culture than the Ir*sh
just sink it
Im ok with it
You realize without England Portugal would not exist?
It'd have been annexed by Spain
Which would've been a French puppet
Seems pretty ungrateful to want to "sink" them
All Anglos know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie
England fucked us over more than they helped us
Thye barely helped when the Spanish invaded
Anyone who isn't Irish or British caring about Ulster is retarded
and the only reason the French invaded us was because of them to begin with
You literally would not exist without England
they forced a puppet government on us
they stole the pink map from us