Message from @What's gay anymore

Discord ID: 650074956427952149

2019-11-29 20:32:57 UTC  

It's not as big as it was when i was growing up

2019-11-29 20:33:28 UTC  

I've played a few halo games, halo REEEEach is definitely my favorite.

2019-11-29 20:34:16 UTC  

I think ODST is my favourite , the firestrike thing was pretty awesome

2019-11-29 20:34:40 UTC  

But there where still a couple good releases after reach

2019-11-29 20:35:47 UTC  

But I definitely prefer Gears of War. That series hasn't let me down yet.

2019-11-29 20:36:20 UTC  

i dropped that after gears 3

2019-11-29 20:36:49 UTC  

Gears of war 4 was good haven't played 5 yet.

2019-11-29 20:37:07 UTC  

it had a sjw controversy didn't it?

2019-11-29 20:37:23 UTC  

i don't know what they did but i remember youtube trying to make me watch stuff about it

2019-11-29 20:38:57 UTC  

Idk I don't really pay attention to that stuff because I dont want to give it any credence.

2019-11-29 20:39:24 UTC  

I just play what I like.

2019-11-29 20:41:06 UTC  

Gears 4 was the weakest imo but gears 5 was pretty good. Campaign wise because that's all I play

2019-11-29 20:41:27 UTC  

i know the multi was a dumpster fire

2019-11-29 20:41:34 UTC  

Heavy sjw shit in both but there was one really cool set piece involving a rocket

2019-11-29 20:42:53 UTC  

I usually dont mind sjws moments, as long as the characters are still well written, and gears of war is good at doing that in imp

2019-11-29 20:43:27 UTC  

as long as it just gives me a deep sigh once a game i dont mind

2019-11-29 20:43:40 UTC  

if its last of us 2 levels then im outie

2019-11-29 20:44:37 UTC  

@What's gay anymore ima rent last of us 2 from redbox for $3 and knock it out in a weekend

2019-11-29 20:44:42 UTC  

Like the uncharted Undoubtedly a sjw but I still love the series. (Admittedly I've enjoyed every game made my Neil Drunkmen)

2019-11-29 20:45:08 UTC  

Which is sad because I did that with the first one but then turned around and bought it new and replayed it again because it was a banger

2019-11-29 20:45:47 UTC  

it's alright if you enjoyed the story of the first one

2019-11-29 20:46:16 UTC  

Though I'm also being raised by left leaning feminists. So those are also the type of games my Dad my buys sooo.

2019-11-29 20:46:38 UTC  

last of us is probably the only zombie game i enjoyed

2019-11-29 20:46:54 UTC  

Left 4 Dead nigga

2019-11-29 20:47:04 UTC  

Cant forget that series

2019-11-29 20:47:05 UTC  

Yeah l4d

2019-11-29 20:47:28 UTC  

I hate when people say the zombie genre is overdone when it's really not, there isnt a lot of quality

2019-11-29 20:48:05 UTC  

ive never been big into l4d

2019-11-29 20:48:20 UTC  

and zombie tv is crazy overdone, games i dont think there are many good ones

2019-11-29 20:48:38 UTC  

What other zombie tv is there besides walking dead?

2019-11-29 20:48:52 UTC  

walking dead has like 2-3 spin offs

2019-11-29 20:48:57 UTC  

Need more games (and movies) that stray away from the zombie tropes. But it definitely has life.

2019-11-29 20:48:58 UTC  

Oh yeah

2019-11-29 20:49:13 UTC  

Last of us was basically the road and the book of eli

2019-11-29 20:49:15 UTC  

and there's the zombie teenager one i forget what its called its carb

2019-11-29 20:49:28 UTC  

Not a lot of original concepts but molded together well

2019-11-29 20:51:23 UTC  

^ like zombieland takes all the tropes and still makes a great

2019-11-29 20:51:26 UTC  


2019-11-29 20:53:29 UTC  

... I swear this bot calls me a faggot more than my friends do. 😆

2019-11-29 20:54:13 UTC  

it's got nothing on my dad

2019-11-29 20:54:25 UTC  

You can thank andrew for the bot lol