Demonic humor

Discord ID: 417525405587603456

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Me: *comes to the discord to see Mgtow stuff*
This discord: *porn and memes*
Fuck I like this place already.

It depends temporarily almost certainly, Permanently Probably not.

Well if its "permanent" like the system jus doesn't work anymore I'd imagine the companies would work hard to fix that. Quick enough so that we dont really know what happened until after the problem is solved.

Eh once a parasite always a parasite.

But at least those parasites are sexy, unlike ringworm. So I'm not exactly complaining.

Quoting one instance. "I'm actually gonna have to work now"

GUYS GUYS, I Just realized something. Back when I use to "respect " wamen and bassicly be a discount "nice guy" ain't no girl was interested in me. But now that I'm mostly dismissive of girls (like I am to guys) and telling more inappropriate jokes around females. They are all over me. I did not expect this. I was not warned going Mgtow would make me more attractive. Wtf

Did it feel good tho?

Cock and ball torture

Very popular this time of year. Expessily around Christmas when kids are begging for shit.

@JulioAX3 black Philp show?

@JulioAX3 I'm watching episode 1 now and all I'm getting is porno music and moaning. My sisters in the next room over.

@JulioAX3 eh a few weeks ago I stupidly started spouting anti authoritarian views bassicly revolving around wanting to leave society and becoming a hermit. So if they can lose anymore faith in me and my politics I'd genuinely be surprised.

Plus Iost my headphones

I usually do but occasionally I get in a .... excessively cynical mind set. And my mind gets going, and it devolves from there.

Probably kill someone

Hey it worked for Franklin

Lol just give me some food, water, a place to sleep and some entertainment. And I'll be perfectly happy

Shit to get a house like that the mortgage has to a bitch and a half

How hard do yall think it will be to become a self sufficient farmer. (Aka not selling anything, just growing enough to feed myself?)

That sounds interesting

Lol I got a bunch of 15-17 year olds asking me out. (I'm 17 myself by the way) naturally I decline politely, because I dont want to be know as "that one guy" but theres this one girl, popular, one of the pretty ones. I regret declining so nicely because now she wont leave me alone. And every time I reject her the entire class begins bombarding me. Now I usually dont mind. But EVERY month if not twice a month its getting pretty fucking old.

@reagoge that's what I thought but this has been going on since August

The annoying thing is this started beginning litterly the day after I decided I was Mgtow.

Na man, as weird as it sounds I'm not all that interested into sex.

Got a shitty labeto

I'm extremely healthy lifting, running, eating healthy. All that. Got a skinny to muscular build.

I'm joking mate.

@reagoge na man sarcasm can be really funny if you pull it off right. But most people cant so they come off as assholes.

That's alright

@WhitePillBeyond in case you haven't noticed in okay with that. Never considered my self "big fish" do to the fact I've spent most of my life with low confidence. Now I've got plenty and yet all I want is to be left alone so I can do my own thing.

I want to pick up a trade, I'm thinking of electrician or plumber. Both Pay about as well as I need, and if I play my cards right I could retire in my late 30s or early to mid 40s of I want.

Probably not though admittedly I like to keep myself busy I go stir crazy other wise.

I've played a few halo games, halo REEEEach is definitely my favorite.

But there where still a couple good releases after reach

But I definitely prefer Gears of War. That series hasn't let me down yet.

Gears of war 4 was good haven't played 5 yet.

Idk I don't really pay attention to that stuff because I dont want to give it any credence.

I just play what I like.

I usually dont mind sjws moments, as long as the characters are still well written, and gears of war is good at doing that in imp

Like the uncharted Undoubtedly a sjw but I still love the series. (Admittedly I've enjoyed every game made my Neil Drunkmen)

Though I'm also being raised by left leaning feminists. So those are also the type of games my Dad my buys sooo.

Left 4 Dead nigga

Cant forget that series

Need more games (and movies) that stray away from the zombie tropes. But it definitely has life.

^ like zombieland takes all the tropes and still makes a great


... I swear this bot calls me a faggot more than my friends do. ๐Ÿ˜†

I'm the type of guy to proudly exclaim im Mgtow, but than turn around and claim Yennifer is best girl. (Talking about the Witcher btw)

Fuck, the death of vesimer gets me every time.

(Talking about the witcher... still)

Fuck me its December all ready.

I swear every month I get more and more sick of lifes shit. Like nothing has happened yet and I'm already pissed off.

Well at least they want the D

When you gotta drink soy at 3 and go to a date at 5


I want too, but ain't got the money or the time.


It depends on the female, some females (like the females in my family) look fine with out though it does intense their looks. Other females.... ya no they need it to have a chance.

And if you haven't noticed most guys aren't naturally good looking ether, and make actually does enhances our looks. (I Know a few guys who wear makeup) personally I don't ware makeup I just try and take care of myself.

Na just some guys trying to get some pussy

I think it was mostly foundation, to hide acne scars.

Ya same here I'm just going off what he told me.

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