Message from @Dustin Nemos

Discord ID: 643531264074186783

2019-11-11 16:32:20 UTC  

and refresh the host pages every so often to see if something is new is out

2019-11-11 17:05:21 UTC  

Turkey Begins Deporting Captured Islamic State Terrorists to U.S., Germany, France

2019-11-11 18:54:29 UTC  

hold the line patriots... we're almost there.

2019-11-11 19:02:57 UTC  


2019-11-11 19:06:22 UTC  

Hello everyone! I thought I may ask? Does anyone know how to get into 8kun? It says page not found with a error server. Can someone assist me? Thank you so much in advance.

2019-11-11 19:06:49 UTC  

* works for me

2019-11-11 19:07:03 UTC  
2019-11-11 19:07:25 UTC  

@S33k3r Thank you so very much!

2019-11-11 19:07:32 UTC  


2019-11-11 19:09:25 UTC  

funny how that works, huh? wonder if Q is trying to show us that even under heavy attack... YOU, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.. will always recieve the message when one is sent.

2019-11-11 19:18:52 UTC  

or is showing that top military intelligence agency / agents can barely keep a message board website intact.

2019-11-11 19:22:07 UTC  

They aren't running it

2019-11-11 19:22:16 UTC  

Jim Watkins, his dog, and Codemonkey are.

2019-11-11 19:22:21 UTC  

dude you really think an official is going to touch any of this?
as if jim watkins went and sat in a closed door meeting with MIL INTEL to talk about Q? ...they have civilian grunts to do their dirtywork. It's regular joes running the board. nice try.

2019-11-11 19:23:00 UTC  

but yes... optics are clear that we are having a hard time fighting a hateful regime trying to deplatform us..

2019-11-11 19:23:14 UTC  

and we're still here.

2019-11-11 19:23:25 UTC  

despite it all. THe most powerful forces on earth. and the most powerful businesses

2019-11-11 19:23:29 UTC  

We are Winning.

2019-11-11 19:25:18 UTC  


2019-11-11 19:26:55 UTC  

sure, there will be congressmen who 'support' the movement... but nobody is going to come out and admit they are the ones behind the scenes fueling the 'epstein didn't kill himself' narrative... thats the beauty of all of this.
the infamous hacker named 4ch will get the credit in the end, BECAUSE DJT and MIL want to make it clear they are being as 'hands off' as possible... this is an organic movement that ignited in the hearts of fly over country... and I think that's the way it SHOULD BE... the 'peoples movement' ...not the military's.

2019-11-11 19:28:43 UTC  

any website on earth can be taken out pretty quick

2019-11-11 19:29:20 UTC  

you can burn a bible but you'll never be able to burn the actual gospel... let them keep deplatforming.. its just more 'i told you so' for our side...

it shows how much confidence they have in their message... that they don't want ours heard AT ALL.

2019-11-11 19:30:58 UTC  

(because the people aren't stupid, and if they knew the full story they would immediately walk away)

2019-11-11 19:32:34 UTC  

so i like it. i like the quranetine on the donald reddit, i like that American, loving patriots are being 'attacked' for having faith in something bigger than themselves... I love that we're finally going through this impeachment sham... so we can get it over with and finally move on! The last thing we need to be dealing with during 2020 elections is 'impeach bad orange man because Q is a larp'

2019-11-11 19:32:59 UTC  

so... as much as it seems like 'hell on earth' right now... I can't help but think it's the perfect set up for the perfect comeback...

2019-11-11 19:34:45 UTC  

Don Jr said it best... "if you aren't TRIGGERED because of what has habbened over the last 3 years... if you aren't raging with unrest because of the fakenews political hack job... theres something wrong with you."

2019-11-11 19:36:35 UTC  
2019-11-11 19:39:55 UTC  

Btw: any insights on why Bill Clinton went through an impeachment ? what was that for ? was it white hats in DC wanted to repel a DS president ?

2019-11-11 19:45:23 UTC  

Stoked we got a new Q today!

2019-11-11 19:45:41 UTC  


2019-11-11 19:47:04 UTC  

Actually quite a few

2019-11-11 19:47:29 UTC

2019-11-11 19:47:32 UTC  


2019-11-11 19:48:19 UTC  

C capitalized. C =3. So its a 3 year delta. Declass 2022 !

2019-11-11 19:48:55 UTC  

the first 2 look like tests or ID

2019-11-11 19:51:57 UTC  

I was thinking maybe Q might use a different board. Kind of like how he also uses /patriotsfight/
What if he's pointing us to a new board for /deC/?
I could be way off, but that was my first initial thought.

Then I thought it could have something to do with declass.

Now I'm currently looking through past Q posts that involve the words/stringers for clues.

I was about to check and see if Trump tweeted anything out around the same time.

Just work up but I enjoy the research that goes into every Q post. It becomes like a fun game trying to figure it out

2019-11-11 19:53:05 UTC  

Also, has stickied threads that discuss the current Q posts and our interpretation and thoughts and plausible decodes. It's utilized as more of a bunker until 8kun is working in tippy top shape!

2019-11-11 19:58:55 UTC  

@Harmony3.0 very likely.
I've already attempted to create an emergency board several times since 8kun came back... that's a hiccup 8kun is still working out.
If we can't create boards, neither can Q.
I assume /PatriotsFight/ (or something similar) will inevitably be in our future... I just don't know when.