Message from @zeBond

Discord ID: 644166790645022731

2019-11-12 18:36:46 UTC  

for those that missed it -

2019-11-12 19:07:42 UTC  

Interesting... Has Comey really flipped?

2019-11-12 21:09:38 UTC  

anybody able to get further than the index rn on /qre?

2019-11-12 23:51:21 UTC

If youtube does not like a video they now turn it HIDDEN until a lengthy appeal process.

Youtube is dying. Please be ready, The new user terms on Dec 10th will ban many of us.

Signup at for the newsletter, and join BITCHUTE! CLICK HERE to join!

I am not leaving Youtube, but I am going to Put the BEST content (Ie, the most TRUTHFUL AND CONTROVERSIAL TOO HOT FOR YOUTUBE NEWS) On Bitchute. You may not find everything on youtube anymore. We've all held off as long as we can on this. 5000 of you have made the shift to the Bitchute accounts for Dustin Nemos and Nemos News Network.

Now is the time, see you there.

2019-11-12 23:59:19 UTC  

that last Q post. i think that is the first time Q has actually put a year after Indictments coming.

2019-11-13 00:03:43 UTC  

I have some vids on YT (granted not very popular, think my best one has 1k views) but still I made them private it protest of what YT is doing. Perhapse people will see a lot of vids going private and turn up the heat on YT.

2019-11-13 00:08:56 UTC  

@creepyAnon i think the closest thing to it were the vague '2018 will be glorious' drops

2019-11-13 04:06:54 UTC

2019-11-13 04:11:17 UTC

2019-11-13 04:45:49 UTC  

I've believed for a few years now (off & on) that the Dem party drugs their members in order to get them to go along with all this insanity. I know this sounds crazy but there are just to many people in important positions that are nuttier then a fruit cake. First it was Clinton, Waters, Biden and now Pelosi. IDK if i'm right, just seems odd
(You should never use this rag as a source for anything, just using it here because they have the footage)

2019-11-13 11:26:59 UTC  
2019-11-13 13:20:00 UTC  

when ppl question why u read the ingredients and warning labels of medications, ask them back as to why not know what ur putting in ur body

2019-11-13 13:28:50 UTC  

@SirW00f It's also good to know in the vaccine realm so you know what you will need to detox as well as what detox pathways need to be active and working so the vaccine does not cause a long term problem due to the body's inability to move the toxins out. IMO this is why vaccines do not affect everyone equally, our detox pathways are not functioning equally and some, not at all and that means vaccine injury.

2019-11-13 13:31:53 UTC  

parents threated to disown me if i didn't take some medication...after i read the warning labels about it being a gene-altering drug

2019-11-13 13:32:10 UTC  

wasn't til this movement took off did i know why....they sold out

2019-11-13 13:40:58 UTC  
2019-11-13 13:41:20 UTC  

i don't think that's how vaccines are supposed to work in the first place

2019-11-13 13:42:52 UTC  

i think it's supposed to work similarly to a serum; a weakened version of the virus to jump start your immune system

2019-11-13 13:54:29 UTC  

weakened versions of the virus to jump start the immune system, while the rest of the ingredients weaken the immune system

2019-11-13 13:54:56 UTC  

vaxx is a textbook example of an 'oxymoron'

2019-11-13 14:01:05 UTC  

@DaveyJones in theory, vaccines are supposed to work as a combination of what you have said and sirwoof has said. In reality, there are many, many valid questions being denied by the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies because there is no legal liability for damage caused by the vaccine. Simply look at the legislation in 1986. Blessings friend

2019-11-13 14:02:00 UTC  

well they need to throw out that legislation

2019-11-13 14:02:39 UTC  

shoulda been thrown out when salks vaxx was proven to create aids

2019-11-13 14:04:34 UTC  

the salks polio vaxx in case ur wondering

2019-11-13 14:05:53 UTC  

salks lost his nobel prize and got universally discredited in the research fields, also lost his job at wistar institute

2019-11-13 14:19:43 UTC  

I m no science man but if the lying fake news media and f**king Hollywood weirdos want to shovel these vaxxs into my throat so badly, I m gonna avoid it like plague as much as I can

2019-11-13 14:23:48 UTC  

the vaxx push is the plague agenda basically...they would 'create' a plague just to push their vaxx agenda

2019-11-13 14:24:38 UTC  

or a fake outbreak, like last time they photoshopped maseals on a stock image of baby

2019-11-13 14:28:22 UTC  

well it forced nyc to violate religion restrictions on vaxx to even give the 'drugs' to the non vaxx'd

2019-11-13 14:29:25 UTC  

few religions had blood removal and vaxx treatment as considered sacrilege

2019-11-13 14:30:09 UTC  

they considered it as 'stealing their soul' or 'poisoning their soul'

2019-11-13 14:30:33 UTC  

which i find odd considering it's not in their scriptures