Message from @Heinz - MI
Discord ID: 324382082832924672
Im a kang shill
Hey he's the one that said he wanted to fight
oy vey
I'm a future pharoh mutha fuka
this is emberassing
I'm a future ____ is going to be a good meme, anyway.
True. Better off staying at peace and praying 5 times a day
Yes I think so
I cant wait to get shitty treatment at the future VA
I'm excited
Do I wear my star of David?
I hope all my future medical care is delivered by antiWhite immigrants
Nah bro
They're future Americans
bro Im going to shoot future expert
I'll be the immigrant
Literally the gayest shit ever
Im a future unreconstructed durban
watch your fking mouth
im a future that too
that is me
in the future
Im a future jew soldier
Mitch did you find Ignis
no he is in the void 😦