Message from @PureEvilPie

Discord ID: 641981904437903393

2019-11-07 12:44:33 UTC  

So there’s less risk

2019-11-07 12:44:40 UTC  

increasing QE to pay off that massive deficit is definitely a bad thing

2019-11-07 12:44:50 UTC  

Look up Keynesian economics

2019-11-07 12:44:55 UTC  

look at the £

2019-11-07 12:45:16 UTC  

untill the stop QE its just going to keep going down

2019-11-07 12:45:24 UTC  

Prolonged austerity is worse though

2019-11-07 12:45:34 UTC  

Lack of investment is bad for potential growth

2019-11-07 12:45:39 UTC  

before labour turned the deficit to 100bn the £ was at $2.00

2019-11-07 12:45:41 UTC  

In the long term that’s way worse than a deficit

2019-11-07 12:45:46 UTC  

Mate fuck off

2019-11-07 12:45:56 UTC  

You’re happily ignoring the GLOBAL CRISIS

2019-11-07 12:46:08 UTC  

yes... we have austerity BECAUSE of the deficit

2019-11-07 12:46:15 UTC  

Austerity short term

2019-11-07 12:46:17 UTC  

Is okay

2019-11-07 12:46:21 UTC  

Prolonged austerity

2019-11-07 12:46:25 UTC  

Is really bad

2019-11-07 12:46:41 UTC  

and you literally were just complaining about the debt tories were piling on!... which is BECAUSE OF THE DEFICIT 😛

2019-11-07 12:46:42 UTC  

But it’s very debatable

2019-11-07 12:46:51 UTC  

A deficit

2019-11-07 12:46:52 UTC  


2019-11-07 12:46:53 UTC  


2019-11-07 12:47:03 UTC  

Oh shit I’m gonna get called again

2019-11-07 12:47:08 UTC  


2019-11-07 12:47:14 UTC  

where do you think the money comes from? magic trees?

2019-11-07 12:47:28 UTC  

It comes from borrowing and taxes

2019-11-07 12:47:30 UTC  

Debt based slavery

2019-11-07 12:47:38 UTC  

Don’t lecture me on economics wacka

2019-11-07 12:47:46 UTC  

when you don’t even know what Keynesian economics is

2019-11-07 12:48:11 UTC  

All you’ve said is Tory talking points

2019-11-07 12:48:12 UTC  

Im well aware of keynesian and hayekian economics thanks

2019-11-07 12:49:03 UTC  

~~i mean, money does technically come from trees if you think about it. or plants at the very least~~

2019-11-07 12:49:23 UTC  

not really... its not like any of this money is printed out

2019-11-07 12:50:06 UTC  

All that does is illustrate pathetic Tory management

2019-11-07 12:50:08 UTC  

its mostly treasury bonds

2019-11-07 12:51:47 UTC  

its incredible management... I honestly did not think they would ever be able to pull it off

2019-11-07 12:52:03 UTC  

Incredible management

2019-11-07 12:52:08 UTC  

and somehow cut taxes at the same time.... they cut taxes, and increased tax revenue

2019-11-07 12:52:13 UTC  

Despite huge increases in public spending

2019-11-07 12:52:21 UTC  

Public services are worse than ever

2019-11-07 12:52:35 UTC  

Where did all that money go??