Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 330131010362671104
Just high test
Can someone repost the join or die flag?
I need to get my identitarian lambda covered up with a Swazi tbh...
@The Soy Goy thanks!
np fam
This channel is also now an Alex Jones themed channel
Please be advised
How many organizations does someone need to start infighting with before something is done?
I’m sure we’ll find out
Back to Jones posting tho please
@Hand Banana where's the final solution to the EQ...?
All further discussion, infighting, tone policing, thottery, and division should take place in <#323598188873252865>
I think disagreements are worthy of being taken seriously. Mud slinging as opposed to productive discussions on disagreements should take place in shitposting though
Oh I’m just memeing
Could you take Alex Jones to the Alex Jones channel pls
I agree that disagreements should be discussed thoroughly and the mudslinging that SOMEHOW always keeps happening is very counter productive.
I want to have a discussion about the single person in this discord who is patently unable to put aside their ego and self importance in any way to entertain things she may not agree with.
Well that was interesting to catch up on. I'm all for burning a fag flag - definitely not in town at the Rally. You know fire ordinances and all in effect in the city for the summer.
Which is why it won't take place at the rally.
All the lib tears would also squelch it with the quickness 😉
Furthermore, for someone who cries so hard about optics you think shed have the self awareness to realize that a single middle aged childless woman isn't very good optics for an ostensibly traditionalist organization.
Especially as an event coordinator and regional coordinator.
Its settled now. But now I have to go to walmart (fml) to buy pride flags to burn so I can assert my dominance
We "acquired" plenty
We need more
Well don't fucking pay for
What happened to voting with your dollar?
Someone needs to steel all of the Care Bears they're putting out in Cville for the KKK Rally and burn those.
I mean....we could acquire more
I like your thinking
This is the second or third time that this person has caused massive amounts of infighting. What value does she bring that couldn't be generated without literally anyone else filling her position?
Explain the care bears , this sounds interesting
Nothing illegal to be said here friends plz