Message from @D3bug_logic

Discord ID: 642232902033342494

2019-11-08 05:18:12 UTC  

It is

2019-11-08 05:18:53 UTC  

Given that they were literally physically removing people with MAGA hats and rosaries in the previous, much smaller event, it is pretty clear that they'd have thoroughly vetted people in this one

2019-11-08 05:19:34 UTC  

the child gropers are back

2019-11-08 05:20:14 UTC  

We have to incorporate beanies instead of maga hats, deceive the enemy

2019-11-08 05:20:38 UTC  

Ben Shapiro lied multiple times, a good example is how he bluntly strawmanned the question “how does homo sex help the conservative movement?” Into something about the white supremacists trying to ban homosexuality even though it was about how conservatism should be Christian and that homosexuality isn’t Christian.

If you actually followed the other side on this, you would know that the main theme of this is “why are you the one leading us?”

2019-11-08 05:21:23 UTC  

Just 11 years ago Obama ran on an anti gay marriage platform

2019-11-08 05:21:35 UTC  

Imagine being less conservative than Obama

2019-11-08 05:21:38 UTC  

He also says that asking questions in a open Q&A is sabotage, which is just fucking stupid

2019-11-08 05:21:49 UTC  

this is sad

2019-11-08 05:22:17 UTC  

Their farce is out in the open for everyone to see

2019-11-08 05:22:25 UTC  

"Free Marketplace of Ideas"

2019-11-08 05:22:26 UTC  


2019-11-08 05:22:52 UTC  

why does it matter when groppy gropers dont believe in that?

2019-11-08 05:23:19 UTC  

gropers reee over free market place of ideas but dont believe the importance of it

2019-11-08 05:23:24 UTC  

When Ben Shapiro storms the principles office THATS NOT attention seeking but when you ask awkward questions about Israel that IS attention seeking

2019-11-08 05:23:31 UTC  

How do you know that? @D3bug_logic

2019-11-08 05:23:37 UTC  

Who said that?

2019-11-08 05:23:53 UTC  

it is sabotage when people ask meme questions

2019-11-08 05:24:09 UTC  

How do they don't when they literally are an extension of the IBS? @D3bug_logic

2019-11-08 05:24:15 UTC  

its the children crashing the adults table

2019-11-08 05:24:21 UTC  

Not to mention that's literally an irrelevant point

2019-11-08 05:24:30 UTC  

irritable bowel syndrome?

2019-11-08 05:24:37 UTC  

Yeah ok dude

2019-11-08 05:24:39 UTC  

Internet Bloodsports

2019-11-08 05:24:43 UTC  

if i take the mic and fill up minutes asking about the importance of grooming at a Shapiro Q&A

2019-11-08 05:24:50 UTC  

yea still sounds like ibs

2019-11-08 05:25:12 UTC  

It was literally the bastion of Free Speech and debate hosting all ideologies

2019-11-08 05:25:28 UTC  


2019-11-08 05:25:43 UTC  

ibs was reee-ing

2019-11-08 05:25:47 UTC  

they werent sending their best

2019-11-08 05:25:52 UTC  

imagine a leftist reading off a bunch of fake statistics and plugging their website and trying to occupy time because theyre retarded

2019-11-08 05:26:03 UTC  

and it devolved into character smears and bergading

2019-11-08 05:26:04 UTC  

they arent interested in asking questions, they want to be bothersome

2019-11-08 05:26:29 UTC  

b.c most ibs ppl are more interested in a change

2019-11-08 05:26:32 UTC  

Yeah most of the questions weren’t meme questions they were real questions, like “how is Israel our greatest ally after XY and Z?” Or “do you think 1 million immigrants a year is really stable?”

2019-11-08 05:26:34 UTC  

because theres no way you listen to someone condemning identityy politics and then ask BUT WHITE PEOPLE COUNTRY THO??

2019-11-08 05:26:37 UTC  

> Congressman Dan Crenshaw shuts down question as "anti semitic" and says "I know who you people are" when asked about why he supports the govt. punishing any criticism of Israel and going against the First Amendment

2019-11-08 05:26:44 UTC  

unless youre doing it for memery

2019-11-08 05:26:54 UTC  

"nothing to ask here, move on"