Message from @Nathan James 123

Discord ID: 641679827203784723

2019-11-06 16:44:05 UTC

2019-11-06 16:44:19 UTC

2019-11-06 16:44:25 UTC  

tbh, I am with Manimal on this one. If you commies don't want universal human rights, you'll be the first to lose it.

2019-11-06 16:44:32 UTC  

~*Russia's Catacomb Saints*
I.M. Andreyev and Fr. Seraphim Rose

2019-11-06 16:44:45 UTC  

Lenin in hell lmao

2019-11-06 16:44:57 UTC  


2019-11-06 16:45:00 UTC  

would serve him right

2019-11-06 16:45:06 UTC  

hey, it's not what i want personally but then I am not so entitled/arrogant to beleive the world is going to conform to MY morality

2019-11-06 16:45:24 UTC  

Rather, Hades, Hell has not been created yet

2019-11-06 16:45:30 UTC  

But Lenin is massively boned either way

2019-11-06 16:45:32 UTC  

but I WILL weaponize your own rules in defense of those holding my values

2019-11-06 16:45:33 UTC  

World can conform to your morality

2019-11-06 16:45:38 UTC  

If you are authoritarian

2019-11-06 16:45:48 UTC  

even if it means i have to step OUTSIDE those values and never return

2019-11-06 16:45:51 UTC  

Just make sure you have what it takes

2019-11-06 16:45:57 UTC  

at least OTHER will carry on that torch

2019-11-06 16:46:00 UTC  

and have the power... and your morality is close enough to reality not to demand massive upkeep

2019-11-06 16:46:09 UTC  

Failed authoritarian is most pathetic

2019-11-06 16:46:15 UTC  

Lenin died of a stroke, iirc.

2019-11-06 16:46:25 UTC

2019-11-06 16:46:32 UTC  

Failed authoritarianism? @Uksio

2019-11-06 16:46:34 UTC  

What's that?

2019-11-06 16:46:41 UTC  


2019-11-06 16:46:53 UTC  

So Lenin was possibly screaming due to a stroke-induced episode of Pseudobulbar

2019-11-06 16:46:58 UTC  

though I can't imagine it was painless

2019-11-06 16:46:59 UTC  

@spooky ducc it was caused by neurosyphillis

2019-11-06 16:47:04 UTC  


2019-11-06 16:47:08 UTC  

Stroke was just a finishing blow

2019-11-06 16:47:09 UTC  

That's another good reason

2019-11-06 16:47:12 UTC  

if your morality is too far removed from reality... God help you from the man trying to force people to do the insane.

2019-11-06 16:47:18 UTC  


that'd do it

2019-11-06 16:47:20 UTC  


2019-11-06 16:47:23 UTC  

So yeah he probably did die shrieking

2019-11-06 16:47:26 UTC  


2019-11-06 16:47:27 UTC  

Lenin fucked every prostitute in Switzerland

2019-11-06 16:47:27 UTC  

"Authorotarianism BAD!" @BabaBooey

2019-11-06 16:47:32 UTC  

"Taxed BAD" @BabaBooey

2019-11-06 16:47:37 UTC  

"Government BAD" @BabaBooey

2019-11-06 16:47:40 UTC

2019-11-06 16:47:41 UTC  

Fucked so much that he had literally NO MONEY LEFT TO EAT

2019-11-06 16:47:41 UTC  

in truth, the only way to AVOID relative morality is to always admit and act is wrong regardless of circumstance but do so in favor of what you deem a 'greater good' expecting full well to be execute/exiled for that decision