Message from @UnfilteredGarbage

Discord ID: 636352372632715264

2019-10-22 10:26:17 UTC  

You sound mad

2019-10-22 10:26:17 UTC  

There is no appeal to authority

2019-10-22 10:26:19 UTC  


2019-10-22 10:26:24 UTC  

Yeah cause you're retarded

2019-10-22 10:26:25 UTC  

You should calm down my dude.

2019-10-22 10:26:26 UTC  


2019-10-22 10:26:59 UTC  

you're showing me studies based on a perceived authority on the subject, which indirectly helped me prove my point.

2019-10-22 10:27:17 UTC  

Aw, does this mean we're breaking up? 💔 @ETBrooD

2019-10-22 10:27:51 UTC  


2019-10-22 10:28:15 UTC  

I'm starting to think you don't know what appeal to authority is.

2019-10-22 10:28:47 UTC  

I said, you're showing me studies based on a perceived authority on the subject, which indirectly helped me prove my point.

2019-10-22 10:28:54 UTC  

That's an appeal to authority.

2019-10-22 10:29:50 UTC  

Because it's an authority on the subject it can't possibly wrong, that's literarily your argument, even though it also put out the idea that I'm peddling, which you ignored.

2019-10-22 18:18:32 UTC  

aww, the site is down atm. I wanted to see if I was on it.

2019-10-22 22:50:51 UTC  
2019-10-22 22:50:58 UTC  

Two students charged for saying it

2019-10-22 22:51:13 UTC  

This is the “land of the free” everyone is trying to come to

2019-10-22 23:44:15 UTC  

Btw, considering that Petersonian truth is what benefits you, why does Peterson cry about his wife dying of cancer? That is not true. (I mean, you don't benefit from that cancer, suffering and death, so it's **NOT TRUE**.)

2019-10-22 23:57:08 UTC  

That's a real simplification of Peterson's ideas about figurative and literal truth but aight

2019-10-22 23:57:49 UTC  

Peterson doesn't claim to be das übermensch, he can still experience a human failure of reason in the case of an extreme trauma (if we accept your definition of his ideas)

2019-10-23 00:00:20 UTC  

So, you claim that it's reasonable to consider dying wife not dying? That he's being unreasonable in accepting literal truth?

2019-10-23 00:01:14 UTC  

Only if we accept your broken interpretation of his position on 'truth'

2019-10-23 00:01:28 UTC  

Even if he is breaking his own ideas, he's still a human being

2019-10-23 00:01:53 UTC  

I don't deny that. But how is my interpretation broken?

2019-10-23 00:03:12 UTC  

Because Peterson's idea of truth is two-fold. You have a literal and a figural truth. Her death is literal. Her death may in some sense not be figuratively true, since people will still remember her and she may in some sense continue to affect the world, *but* she is still literally dead. Both things are true.

2019-10-23 00:04:21 UTC  

But why do others have to **force** literal truth out of him since he seems to prefer figurative truth without exception?

2019-10-23 00:04:45 UTC  

Because he's an eccentric who's pretty bad at communicating his more cerebral ideas.

2019-10-23 00:04:51 UTC  

He understands literal truth to exist, but simple "truth" is always defaulted to figurative truth or Darwinian truth.

2019-10-23 00:04:52 UTC  

Honestly it's probably his worst trait

2019-10-23 00:05:50 UTC  

I've noticed the same with Hoffstadter, and maybe Plato? They communicate by way of circumnavigation, I think out of an expectation that their audience won't or can't 'get' their point straight out.

2019-10-23 00:08:08 UTC  

how do you determine the truth of harder problems?
how should someone live?
the problem with your definition of truth is it does not work for all persons

2019-10-23 00:08:33 UTC  

Who's definition? Peterson's?

2019-10-23 00:08:43 UTC  


2019-10-23 00:08:47 UTC  

Peterson admits his ideas only work in a Judeo-Christian framework

2019-10-23 00:08:56 UTC  

yes as are most western persons

2019-10-23 00:09:07 UTC  

I don't think "how should someone live" have a truth to it.

2019-10-23 00:09:18 UTC  

well is there a wrong way to live?

2019-10-23 00:09:27 UTC  

There are better and worse argumented opinions on it.

2019-10-23 00:09:48 UTC  

I disagree, I think there's an objectivity to the way people should be