Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 636302745329991690
Individualist Empire
"Hey Bob could you drop your one of your nukes on Canada?"
"Sure Steven, It will cost $20,000 have a good day."
[hands out purell] make sure to disinfect after dealing with stirnerists/egoists
Clan based governing was the earliest form, and it shall be again.
My bloodline is strong, and that will serve me well, the only question is will it make me a good leader, or useful cannon fotter.
Freedom, and guns
Isn't that redundant?
no don't do it kanna
oh shit oh fuck she's got airpods in
Bought wife some thigh high socks. Best purchase ever.
i prefer the thiccy
How thicc is to thicc?
Thicc is when they'll be whales in a few years
thicc is fat now, diabetes in a short while
some people don't know definitions