Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 636410808708104231

2019-10-23 03:46:01 UTC  

The characters are comparable to this one villain though could like fucking dent the Statue of Liberty lmao

2019-10-23 03:46:09 UTC  

with the god tiers being above Nuclear level

2019-10-23 03:46:10 UTC  

although letting someone that fucking sketch heave and retch like that for god knows how long was not smart

2019-10-23 03:46:18 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:46:28 UTC  

they didn't necessarily know that he carried hidden weapons IIRC

2019-10-23 03:46:56 UTC  

@Spooky Melon either these people die or I do, it's the only way

2019-10-23 03:47:15 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck so like stupidly hilariously rediculous feats of strength?

2019-10-23 03:47:24 UTC  

I understand why people wage religious war now

2019-10-23 03:47:32 UTC  
2019-10-23 03:47:35 UTC  

and that's just SPEC

2019-10-23 03:47:43 UTC  

who is the weakest of the convicts AFAIK

2019-10-23 03:47:47 UTC  

I can dig that

2019-10-23 03:48:02 UTC  

I watched Fist of the North Star, afterall

2019-10-23 03:48:04 UTC  

Dorian's fucking retardedly OP

2019-10-23 03:48:08 UTC  

he gets lit on fucking fire

2019-10-23 03:48:12 UTC  

and then gets up

2019-10-23 03:48:13 UTC  

and is like

2019-10-23 03:48:18 UTC  

"hey, maybe I shouldn't smoke"

2019-10-23 03:48:28 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:49:20 UTC (watch?v=ab_xZPwJa0s)

2019-10-23 03:49:49 UTC  

who knows how niggardly the jannies are

2019-10-23 03:50:10 UTC  

thumbnails disabled

2019-10-23 03:50:14 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:50:56 UTC

2019-10-23 03:52:21 UTC  

its different, obviously, but I get what you mean. Similarity in "revulsion to culture" i guess

2019-10-23 03:55:30 UTC  

niggas playin with fire in a wood and paper house, fucks sake

2019-10-23 03:56:06 UTC  

Doyle's got Dio's VA <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-10-23 03:56:11 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:56:31 UTC  

holy shit this show's fucking awesome

2019-10-23 03:56:56 UTC  

it's the 3rd season of the Baki series IIRC

2019-10-23 03:57:35 UTC  

I’m ready to do my part for God, The West, freedom, and all that’s good and holy... are you?

2019-10-23 03:58:04 UTC  

the first step is to commit self endgame

2019-10-23 03:58:50 UTC  

That is against the holy texts. You shall not fool me heathen

2019-10-23 04:00:31 UTC  

you idiot jesus literally says "bro just kill youself, nigga"

2019-10-23 04:01:26 UTC  

You lie and alter the word of our savior, which is again another sin

2019-10-23 04:01:28 UTC  

um, no?

2019-10-23 04:01:45 UTC  

he clearly says "bro, throw away all yo shit, no rich niggas in heaven"

2019-10-23 04:02:00 UTC  

based commie jesus

2019-10-23 04:02:04 UTC  

really was