Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 636410506667622401

2019-10-23 03:44:43 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:44:48 UTC  

Furthermore, under this criteria students will analyze the ways in which “ancient mathematical knowledge has been appropriated by Western culture,” and “identify how math has been and continues to be used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color.”

2019-10-23 03:45:14 UTC  

@Jokerfaic Nope, they didn't die

2019-10-23 03:45:20 UTC  

barely scratched

2019-10-23 03:45:23 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:45:26 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:46:01 UTC  

The characters are comparable to this one villain though could like fucking dent the Statue of Liberty lmao

2019-10-23 03:46:09 UTC  

with the god tiers being above Nuclear level

2019-10-23 03:46:10 UTC  

although letting someone that fucking sketch heave and retch like that for god knows how long was not smart

2019-10-23 03:46:18 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:46:28 UTC  

they didn't necessarily know that he carried hidden weapons IIRC

2019-10-23 03:46:56 UTC  

@Spooky Melon either these people die or I do, it's the only way

2019-10-23 03:47:15 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck so like stupidly hilariously rediculous feats of strength?

2019-10-23 03:47:24 UTC  

I understand why people wage religious war now

2019-10-23 03:47:32 UTC  
2019-10-23 03:47:35 UTC  

and that's just SPEC

2019-10-23 03:47:43 UTC  

who is the weakest of the convicts AFAIK

2019-10-23 03:47:47 UTC  

I can dig that

2019-10-23 03:48:02 UTC  

I watched Fist of the North Star, afterall

2019-10-23 03:48:04 UTC  

Dorian's fucking retardedly OP

2019-10-23 03:48:08 UTC  

he gets lit on fucking fire

2019-10-23 03:48:12 UTC  

and then gets up

2019-10-23 03:48:13 UTC  

and is like

2019-10-23 03:48:18 UTC  

"hey, maybe I shouldn't smoke"

2019-10-23 03:48:28 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:49:20 UTC (watch?v=ab_xZPwJa0s)

2019-10-23 03:49:49 UTC  

who knows how niggardly the jannies are

2019-10-23 03:50:10 UTC  

thumbnails disabled

2019-10-23 03:50:14 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:50:56 UTC

2019-10-23 03:52:21 UTC  

its different, obviously, but I get what you mean. Similarity in "revulsion to culture" i guess

2019-10-23 03:55:30 UTC  

niggas playin with fire in a wood and paper house, fucks sake

2019-10-23 03:56:06 UTC  

Doyle's got Dio's VA <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-10-23 03:56:11 UTC  


2019-10-23 03:56:31 UTC  

holy shit this show's fucking awesome

2019-10-23 03:56:56 UTC  

it's the 3rd season of the Baki series IIRC

2019-10-23 03:57:35 UTC  

I’m ready to do my part for God, The West, freedom, and all that’s good and holy... are you?

2019-10-23 03:58:04 UTC  

the first step is to commit self endgame

2019-10-23 03:58:50 UTC  

That is against the holy texts. You shall not fool me heathen