Message from @Jokerfaic
Discord ID: 636726651505344522
kitty no :(
@ManAnimal @MrDrk666 *was
That was his cat
what kind of preverted, twisted.... degeneracy...
sisters only have said thoughts in porno or prison
Or doujinshi
@ManAnimal considering I write porno that kinda narrows it down
porno isn't 'written'
it can be
well, i can use a blonde as a toliet... but there are better uses
its called erotica, dude, and there's a market for it
there is a 'market' for any type of degeneracy these days
i like it better when the market was black
vanilla erotica isn't even that degenerate
that shit USED to be reserved for female smut novels
its just reading porn, how have you not heard of this
that MALES read it these days....
aliens, if you can hear me. COME ENSLAVE US! We no longer deserve freedom
I'd be flattered as fuck if any women read the trash I write
well, read it and LIKED it
well indeed
@Jokerfaic is a writer on Metabods @ManAnimal
<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>
tried looking it up but got a 502 error
..... transhumanist slash fiction?
alrighty then
good for them