Message from @Engineered Eldritch Catgirl
Discord ID: 638065582700363816
We should make the middle east our akkadian empire
I mean it should be pretty easy seeing we are just dealing with stoneage mudflingers
We could glass it
and then take it over and colonize whatevers is left
why i say the middle east is because it's the easiest place to take over
We could connect the craters together to make lakes and ponds, and the glass will stabalise the sand
and turn the rock, that little meteorite shit in mecca into a taco stand
lol rip
fucking idiots
And if it's said they used the needles this way because they're poor, maybe they shouldn't fuck around with nukes and being dickheads and they'd receive more aid instead of sanctions
Probably alot to do with child fucking and probably less for reused needles
like that dude in africa who has aids and literally deflowers each girl in his village because it's sanctified
@Engineered Eldritch Catgirl i am root
@MrDrk666 I was thinking more along the lines of Thanos.
Lmao i see that
So are you going?
You sure you aren't in kindergarten?
It's a university, what's the difference
I don't know
How you pay for it.