Message from @Laucivol
Discord ID: 638192654819262465
Oh shit
<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>
Corrected before you could point it out bitch
Get baited
No you didn't
She’s right
<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>
I can atest that he called it out before correction
Tbh anyone CAN edit it. It just gets changed within 10 minutes
Eh, Wikipedia still isn't authoritative.
Also it’s more so they don’t copy and paste without even reading it cause that wastes everyone’s time
@Nat someone wrote a story about how their history teacher would edit the wikipedia page of the topic of the page to purposefully screw kids over
and I believe 0 of that
just avoid political topics on Wikipedia
There we go, properly edited it
There's no strict edit policy on Wikipedia.
Only on certain pages are there securities.
Who watches the watchers?
Though. Tbh, Wikipedia is a billion times more accurate than the textbooks from the 90s American schools use
imagine trusting wikipedia
fuck even I've done editing on wikipedia
There is a strict editing policy
but it's biased
There are also groups of leftists that go around “correcting” pages
in favour of Leftists
Well yes, for the most part. But specific pages about things are not fleshed out more often than not, and not peer reviewed by scholars that work in that field, making them unreliable, even if the information is generally accurate.
here's a good dose of Anime Carol Danvers
I think vice or some shit did a video on it
Wikipdia is really useful, but if you try to use something that anyone can fuck with as a proper source in academia you will be rightfully dunked on
dont use wikipedia for Political shit
especially if the subject is right-wing
i mean, be skeptical of all info tbh
Honestly, I will give that wikia is probably more accurate than most textbooks of the modern era..
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