Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 637676236268634122
Grape god
For ~~otaku~~ weeaboos.
Also. if one is a fan of Vee - is he a Veeaboo?
Apparently also hentai sauce
Hentai juice
Dat's lewd.
Don't lewd the juice!
"first cities" you mean the *only* cities not built by white people
and earth mounds that held 200 people dont count, Africa <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>
The video I posted a bunch of obvious SJWs complaining about nonexistent rascist in the comments section is kind of funny
Everyone else just came to watch the video
@Jokerfaic meh, not really. It’s a slow burn tbh
Monster gave me more of a boost (though it lasted much shorter)
Unlike the French <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
The Imps (the in-canon nickname given to them by Rebels) were mainly fucked over by Tarkin's "Rule by Fear" doctrine, which alienated many potential allies and made enemies of some fairly powerful alien races (though, in their defense, they were like this to EVERY race, such as in the case of the Chiss....who were really Pro-Imperial AFAIK). The French on the other hand....are just fucking incompetent.
Also, the Empire being majority Xenophobic also kinda fucked them over
Though, that isn't to say that ALL Imperials were Xenophobic
the Emperor, for instance, was incredibly meritocratic. Tarkin too, in the Extended Universe.
The Emperor being the one who made Thrawn (that's his name in Basic; His actual name in Chiss is **Mitth'raw'nuruodo**) a Grand-Admiral in the Extended Universe (I'm not sure whether or not that was the case in Rebels)
the emperor was just trying to prevent the locusts from raping the galaxy
he dindu nuffin
Tarkin's sole moment of competence in the Extended Universe (to my knowledge) was allowing Natasi Daala to rise up the ranks. One might even say he was a tad progressive by allowing Daala to rise up the ranks
kanye has seen the light 🙏
which shines a light on the disparity of the Empire's high-command and regular Imperials
Regular Imps were for lack of a better phrasing....
Xenophobic and Sexist. Not racist, though. The Imps had transcended racism, to my knowledge
And, to my knowledge, there weren't any female Stormtroopers in the EU
In Rebels, there's a Death Trooper who's female LMAO
doing a bit of digging, there WERE female stormtroopers in EU
```Service in the Stormtrooper Corps was open to both Human men and women, but female stormtroopers were an extremely rare sight under Palpatine's reign and on average there were never more than three female stormtroopers within a whole legion. In spite of this disparity, some female troopers served in elite units, such as the Coruscant Guard. Female stormtroopers underwent the same hard training as their male counterparts. Only the best of the best recruits were selected for the stormtrooper corps. Once accepted into the stormtrooper corps, every trooper was treated as an equal. There were no differences between males and females. They even shared the same barracks. Wearing the exact same white stormtrooper armor, one could not distinguish between a male or female stormtrooper.```
Which makes the comparison of the Empire to Nazi Germany to be a tad...odd, actually
Rember when Disney didn't own star wars? Rember those blessed times?