Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 638049828819042304

2019-10-27 16:17:01 UTC  

It is a sweet bluepill of stability and prosperity that they're offering to these countries, and they are taking it.

2019-10-27 16:17:17 UTC  

Kinda funny that commies would do usury

2019-10-27 16:17:26 UTC  

Kinda big oof

2019-10-27 16:17:51 UTC  

And it is working like they intended to, jobs created, rail lines built and stuff. But all these public investment will bite back one day, the question is when it is the time to collect the debts.

2019-10-27 16:17:52 UTC  

@ashzeppelin that is actually what the WTO has done in the region for decades

2019-10-27 16:18:06 UTC  

china is actually building infrastructure in africa

2019-10-27 16:18:41 UTC  

Honestly, Sargon's cadence is one of the reasons why I enjoy listening to him.

2019-10-27 16:18:43 UTC  

They are

2019-10-27 16:18:55 UTC  

Soothing in a way. XD

2019-10-27 16:19:05 UTC  

China has done more to Africa's development in a way

2019-10-27 16:19:08 UTC  

if i were to decide between the WTO and china living in africa, i'd choose china tbh

2019-10-27 16:19:18 UTC  

they are offering a better deal

2019-10-27 16:19:50 UTC  

i mean, america is europe's europe

2019-10-27 16:19:56 UTC  

Can't discredit the Chinese for what they've done here.

2019-10-27 16:20:19 UTC  

nor can i

2019-10-27 16:20:29 UTC  

@ManAnimal what do you think would have happened if modern day China had done this in the Middle East if the US was not involved.

2019-10-27 16:21:16 UTC  

well, it would depend if the original power structures in the middle east were left intact

2019-10-27 16:21:48 UTC  

dictators are really the only people that keep them from killing each other

2019-10-27 16:21:52 UTC  

Yeah I mean, let them rule, but we will develop all your stuff and shit, economic investment and all that crap

2019-10-27 16:22:13 UTC  

the middle east would be more stable and prosperous

2019-10-27 16:22:26 UTC  

Dictators are needed in places where individuals can't respect each-other

2019-10-27 16:22:36 UTC  

rather than the West kicking over all the ant hills

2019-10-27 16:22:36 UTC  

@ManAnimal seems like a better world

2019-10-27 16:22:44 UTC

2019-10-27 16:23:05 UTC  

peace at the end of a gun isn't a world i would call 'better'

2019-10-27 16:23:10 UTC  

just more peaceful

2019-10-27 16:23:11 UTC  

USA is so individualist exactly because they were left to their own devices (or, rather their own guns) and **learned** to respect each-other's individuality

2019-10-27 16:23:19 UTC  

@ashzeppelin Western corporations have done what china is doing all the time

2019-10-27 16:23:41 UTC  

The difference is china hasn't experienced what happens when the native country decides to seize foreign investment properties

2019-10-27 16:23:42 UTC  

USA had its growing pains on their journey to 1st and 2nd amendments

2019-10-27 16:23:46 UTC  

@Uksio is right; such internal conflicts are like forest fires

2019-10-27 16:24:19 UTC  

I mean I would rather live in Saddam's Iraq than modern day Iraq

2019-10-27 16:24:23 UTC  

they MUST be allowed to burn each other out until exhaustion before the people will accept a peaceful form of governance

2019-10-27 16:24:47 UTC  


2019-10-27 16:25:03 UTC  

That's the point, hammered home right there

2019-10-27 16:25:10 UTC  

if you intervene, break up the fight, the losers will always continue to beleive that the oNLY reason they lost was the winner had a big brother

2019-10-27 16:25:13 UTC  

As long as they are allowed to segregate and dehumanise other segregate groups there will be wars

2019-10-27 16:25:26 UTC  

as soon as that big brother isn't around, the fighting resumes

2019-10-27 16:25:32 UTC  

you cannot BE there all the time

2019-10-27 16:25:36 UTC  

But let em decide on their own