Message from @S K E L L Y Ivanthenotsoterrible

Discord ID: 625097267594002433

2019-09-21 22:31:15 UTC  


2019-09-21 22:31:17 UTC  

Because the US deliberately wanted to keep them competitive.

2019-09-21 22:31:19 UTC  

Same with the banks that survived only due to the Government bailouts

2019-09-21 22:31:35 UTC  

So a lack of regulation has formed these monopolies.

2019-09-21 22:31:37 UTC  

We should just let the Free Market run without a government

2019-09-21 22:31:49 UTC  

Man this libertarian state didn't last long πŸ˜‚

2019-09-21 22:31:52 UTC  

That can go incredibly wrong

2019-09-21 22:31:54 UTC  

Let's just go back to 17th century England

2019-09-21 22:32:05 UTC  

Oh hell no πŸ˜†

2019-09-21 22:32:19 UTC  

Which essentially had a Libertarian economy

2019-09-21 22:32:25 UTC  

Then we'll have a fudel system

2019-09-21 22:32:32 UTC  

Just get rid of that part

2019-09-21 22:32:37 UTC  

Let’s just go back in 10000bc

2019-09-21 22:32:38 UTC  

Pifft πŸ˜‚

2019-09-21 22:32:46 UTC  

Pretty sure you'd get a corporatocracy if you just let the free market run wild

2019-09-21 22:33:02 UTC  

No, we didn't have a libertarian economy.

2019-09-21 22:33:03 UTC  

A libertarian state is unsustainable

2019-09-21 22:33:06 UTC  

But in seriousness we just need a Minarcist State that only provides basic needs

2019-09-21 22:33:12 UTC  

No, we don't.

2019-09-21 22:33:21 UTC  

Courts and Police Forces

2019-09-21 22:33:22 UTC  

What about if one megacompany formed and took over all other companies

2019-09-21 22:33:30 UTC  

A minarchst system would also fail

2019-09-21 22:33:36 UTC  


2019-09-21 22:33:43 UTC  

But we should at least try it

2019-09-21 22:33:58 UTC  

So the people can be free from Government temporarily

2019-09-21 22:34:06 UTC  

Why try when we know it'll fail?

2019-09-21 22:34:21 UTC  

It's freedom from Government for a while

2019-09-21 22:34:23 UTC  

We'll just end up in anarchy and bloodshed

2019-09-21 22:34:40 UTC  

The cost is not worth the risk

2019-09-21 22:34:57 UTC  

We could just have a system in which we have a minarchist state which brings back a temporary Government every few years

2019-09-21 22:35:10 UTC  

Also the collateral damage would be huge

2019-09-21 22:35:18 UTC  

At least we would be free

2019-09-21 22:35:28 UTC  

Freedom is an illusion

2019-09-21 22:35:32 UTC  

No it isn't

2019-09-21 22:35:54 UTC  

Free Will is, But we can be free from Government

2019-09-21 22:35:54 UTC  

Give me an example of how you're free currently?

2019-09-21 22:36:11 UTC  

I am using my freedom to type to you

2019-09-21 22:36:20 UTC  

If i wasn't free i couldn't

2019-09-21 22:36:55 UTC  

We have partial freedom due to the illusion of free will

2019-09-21 22:37:09 UTC  

The government aims to restrict that partial free will even more

2019-09-21 22:37:14 UTC  

You're still not free as you're relying on multiple corporations to message me