Message from @wacka

Discord ID: 626066927235760159

2019-09-24 14:41:05 UTC  

The EU is a cluster fuck somewhere between the two

2019-09-24 14:41:08 UTC  

Whenever he speaks, it just says "1 blocked message" @Lêohte

2019-09-24 14:41:09 UTC  

Trying to be one

2019-09-24 14:41:14 UTC  

But not wanted to appear as it

2019-09-24 14:41:26 UTC  

Good, the tribe is scared

2019-09-24 14:41:43 UTC  

am still a monarchist @Lêohte

2019-09-24 14:41:51 UTC  

Warrior king model tbh

2019-09-24 14:42:13 UTC  

So, what would be wrong with Guy saying he doesn't want Brexit to happen in a personal capacity?

2019-09-24 14:42:14 UTC  

i believe more in federal absolutist monarchism

2019-09-24 14:42:17 UTC  

As he was doing at that meeting? @wacka

2019-09-24 14:42:25 UTC  

I believe in might makes right

2019-09-24 14:42:58 UTC  

I mean the argument has a big hole

2019-09-24 14:43:13 UTC  

Let's say putin for the sake of argument endorsed trump in a personal capacity

2019-09-24 14:43:30 UTC  

Bad analogy right off the bat, but sure

2019-09-24 14:43:32 UTC  

You arnt taking into account public opinion

2019-09-24 14:45:07 UTC  

Public opinion of what?

2019-09-24 14:45:19 UTC  

Someone talking in a personal capacity that they don't want something to happen?

2019-09-24 14:46:03 UTC  

Their ability to sway opinion as an important figure in a multinational union.

2019-09-24 14:46:16 UTC  

And has he swayed opinion?

2019-09-24 14:46:20 UTC  

Has he had an effect?

2019-09-24 14:46:27 UTC  

funny its difficult to find a specific "sovereignty will be protected under the EU" ...

2019-09-24 14:46:28 UTC  

You'll find the answer to be no

2019-09-24 14:46:44 UTC  

under the USSR however ... its explicitly in the constitution

2019-09-24 14:46:49 UTC  


2019-09-24 14:47:49 UTC  

If you could for example say something, then instantly how no associations at all. Then that is the only time, your public persona would not be a factor

2019-09-24 14:47:50 UTC  

Article 81. The sovereign rights of Union Republics shall be safeguarded by the USSR.

2019-09-24 14:48:03 UTC  

So? @wacka

2019-09-24 14:48:05 UTC  

Guy is an eu politician.

2019-09-24 14:48:11 UTC  

So? @Joshu

2019-09-24 14:48:12 UTC  

He isn't regular guy Guy

2019-09-24 14:48:14 UTC  

so even the USSR is more free than the EU 😛

2019-09-24 14:48:23 UTC  

Jeremy Corbyn is a politician.

2019-09-24 14:48:29 UTC  

at least on paper

2019-09-24 14:48:32 UTC  

Your point?

2019-09-24 14:48:57 UTC  

Point being, he can say things in a personal capacity and still follow other rules.

2019-09-24 14:48:59 UTC  

When Jeremy Corbyn speaks anywhere, it will be "Corbyn, leader of the labour party"

2019-09-24 14:49:12 UTC  

Jeremy Corbyn wants Brexit, his party really doesn't.

2019-09-24 14:49:25 UTC  

He can still voice his opinions and follow the policy of his party

2019-09-24 14:49:27 UTC  

yeah if BoJo went to a massive group of EC members or MEPs and talked about how to get Britain out... would that be ok?

2019-09-24 14:49:38 UTC  

Yes @wacka

2019-09-24 14:49:39 UTC  

if he talked them into working against the EU