Message from @Snake
Discord ID: 623548261843599380
What if we just make people give birth to fully formed adults
Welcome to the new, post-Marxist left. Have a seat. Your complementary gallon of bleach will be served to you shortly.
All I wanna see is democratic education sex ed. I'm pretty sure it's just an orgy with the teacher.
@Weez see, all the nice neighbourhoods are the one's without the condoms and the needles and knives sticking out the bushes... Where kids can play and you see the young ones just sat there on the swings with their parents sat on the bench reading a newspaper.
When it comes to tidying up after yourself. .... That's what you're meant to learn , and to say sorry. To be compassionate towards one another . However, in the UK all those went out the window and they started to just kill the teachers. If they weren't trying to bunk off school.
All values which can be taught in school.
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM hence the reason why the UK have the highest apathy rates going. In my generation we were truants and no one cared.
Then, they went wayward and now it's back to values.
Don't @ me, fascist
Whstever float's your boat. I mean, some parents didn't like jail after they let their kids skip school. That was labour .... That's going a bit far that is
I think parents should have been given support, not jail time .
Don’t @ me, fascist
Lol wtf
It’s a interesting criticism of liberalism for sure
I think that’s why a lot of people are getting sick of liberalism and libertarianism. It seems like they’re always in this abstract world of forms and not in reality
I think it’s particularly true for Ancaps
Again not always
Even in theory they are incorrect
Well their first premise is that all men are created equal and Locke thought people were blank slates
So yeah they had a bad start
It's much more than that and saying that their ideas are fine but don't work out in reality is giving them too much credit
Self professed "Thinkers" formulate ideologies. Yet they rarely bother to formulate goals for them.
And what's worse is that they create these ideological equivalents of mind castles and praise their virtues constantly, even though the ideologies in question can rarely survive contact with actual humans and human behaviour.
My view is: if your ideology is demonstrably incompatible with humanity, then your ideology is a waste of time and should be discarded.
If you constantly have to excuse your ideology with the words "If only people would..." then that's a surefire symptom of your ideology being fundamentally flawed.
If only people weren't so greedy, then capitalism could work.
If only people would see the bigger, societal picture rather than their wealth accumulation then maybe capitalism might work.
If only people would have more children. White replacement wouldn't be an issue.
well no it still would ba issue since politicians would just increae the numbers coming into the UK
@Weez Pretty much yes. And to prove my point further, you could actually use the same statements but replace "capitalism" with "communism" as well.
After all, when socialist states like Venezuela fails because the wealthy people take their money and leave before the communist dictator in power decides to simply steal their belongings and money, the socialists and communists all drone one about how "greedy" those wealthy people are, and that their greed is "sabotaging" the socialist project.
You could actually use the same statements but replace "capitalism" or "communism" with basically anything. Point being, it's a stupid point and bad argument.
Ideologies require change in peoples behaviour and thought so saying "if only people would to X" is pretty reasonable, because generally under their ideology they would be doing X.
That makes the ideology a fantasy, because as we all know: people don't conform to your ideology, regardless of what ideology that is.
You will always have specimens who think your ideology is shit. And thus your ideology will fail by default.
"That makes the ideology a fantasy" they all are, until put into practice.
"people don't conform to your ideology, regardless of what ideology that is." Under conditions they can.
Liberalism/libertarianism gets close to a certain degree, in the way that they both recognize the concept of rational self-interest being one of the primary motivations for all human behaviour.
But what they both fail at is realizing is that pursuit of rational self interests will lead to conflicts between people. Conflicts that do not stay civil or peaceful.
"Can" is not the same as "they will".
Under threat of violence, then they will.