Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 624965721885114408

2019-09-21 13:41:48 UTC  

Prove that there is differences in the brains between races

2019-09-21 13:41:54 UTC  

@B[] IQ tests are not based on predictiv capabilities of the world around you. They are purposefully designed to use abstract patterns of symbols and drawings in order to move the test subjects mind away from expectations and experiences regarding the surrounding world.

2019-09-21 13:42:26 UTC  

I.e the test subject is focused entirely on abstract symbols and drawings which they have never and will never encounter in the world outside

2019-09-21 13:43:25 UTC  

@B[] I have already done so, by highlighting racial IQ differences

2019-09-21 13:43:36 UTC  

OH IQ. Well that we can say quite easily has a high cultural influence. The IQ test is only about a century old. Over that period the mean IQ in populations that were tested the most has changed by more than a standard deviation. So in about 3 generations.

2019-09-21 13:44:37 UTC  

@Seven Proxies > I have already done so, by highlighting racial IQ differences

Which part of the brain stops them from understanding and enacting your cultural/ideological beliefs?

2019-09-21 13:44:59 UTC  

@Jym gets it

2019-09-21 13:45:46 UTC  

Any IQ test you can create is based on a pre-conceived idea of what human IQ is

2019-09-21 13:45:59 UTC  

@B[] But you could use other examples, like general physiology and racial performance in things like sports. The NBA is not exactly dominated by white people. And the runners in the olympics are almost always africans.

If there can be such significant physiological differences in terms of stature, aerobic and anaerobic ability, it makes little logical sense to argue "but our brains are all exactly the same"

2019-09-21 13:46:18 UTC  

Jym actually studies evolution rather than searching studies for the word 'race' and trying to build a theory using that limited data set...

2019-09-21 13:46:26 UTC  

We're not talking about sports, there are clearly physical differences.

2019-09-21 13:46:37 UTC  

@B[] Unknown at the moment, since the neurobiologists do not fully understand how the entire brain anatomy works

2019-09-21 13:47:25 UTC  

But what you still haven't answered is what brain differences stop a person from a different race from sharing your ideological and cultural identify.

2019-09-21 13:47:33 UTC  


2019-09-21 13:48:14 UTC  

@B[] Yes we are, because you're presenting a somewhat preposterous argument that you concede that people of different races can have vast genetic differences in terms of physical ability which grants benefits and drawbacks in things like sports. But for some reason you also oppose the idea that such differences might exist within the brains of different races.

Can't you see how illogical this assumption is?

2019-09-21 13:49:01 UTC  

What is it about the human brain, in your view, that makes it so special and "separate" form everything else about the human body and how it develops and how it is influenced by race?

2019-09-21 13:49:15 UTC  

I said earlier there might be small difference, but from an evolutionary perspective, the environment may have been different but the problem solving was essentially the same

2019-09-21 13:49:44 UTC  

Also, the brain is incredibly hard to evolve, a bunch of your neurons are hyper-specialised, they can't just be swapped out so easily

2019-09-21 13:49:55 UTC  

And I say, you can't quantify the difference. I can't either. I'll be honest about that.

2019-09-21 13:50:24 UTC  

Even your concept of 'race' is wrong here. The fastest runners are not 'African' they come from a specific small region of East Africa.

2019-09-21 13:50:39 UTC  

That's like calling red-hair 'European'

2019-09-21 13:51:09 UTC  

But the fact that there are certain measurable differences should provide ample incentive for further study AND dismiss the premature assumption that there are no differences whatsoever between the biological brains, and thus the manifested behaviours of people from different races.

We need to know more, and should know more before reaching any such conclusions.

2019-09-21 13:51:20 UTC  

It occurs on that continent but is not dominant throughout the continent.....

2019-09-21 13:51:46 UTC  

@Jym Well can you name me any other place in the world where you'd find native red heads?

2019-09-21 13:52:21 UTC  

@Seven Proxies All you have to do is find me a study that shows a race is fundamentally incapable of learning a cultural/ideological behaviour, and then I'll concede there may be grounds to not inter-breed

2019-09-21 13:52:53 UTC  

It doesn't even matter if there are massive brain differences (which there are unlikely to be)

2019-09-21 13:52:55 UTC  

That's a category error M8 as I explained before you asked. Unless you are saying that people without red hair are not European your bit about runners is a mute point.

2019-09-21 13:53:07 UTC  

@B[] Erm, that was never your argument to begin with. You've presented it just now. And I've never once claimed that a person from one race is fundamentally incapable of learning a cultural or ideological behaviour from another

2019-09-21 13:53:51 UTC  

The argument you were making originally was about not having races breed with one another, you need to provide evidence as to why not

2019-09-21 13:54:14 UTC  

Otherwise it's pure speculation

2019-09-21 13:54:48 UTC  

@B[] Quote me. Where did I make an argyment against having races breed with one another.

I know you find my opposition to your arguments frustrating, but I would ask that you tone down the projection and the strawmanning please

2019-09-21 13:56:08 UTC  

@Jym So, do you argue that my statement that the fastest runners are african to be a false statement? Are they not african?

2019-09-21 13:56:51 UTC  

Okay, i misspoke, your argument was about there being some tangible difference, but this was seemingly in defence of a statement made by somebody previously about not mingling inter-race

2019-09-21 13:57:02 UTC  

@Jym Feels a bit like you're just being nitpicky about how specified I was, more than having an actual disagreement

2019-09-21 13:57:48 UTC  

@Seven Proxies

Are people with red hair not European? And yet *most* Europeans do not have red hair.

2019-09-21 13:59:36 UTC  

We could use (for running) the category of Mediterranean (based on proximity to that body of water) and group southern Europeans and Northern Africa and call them a group. It would be more valid than saying it was an African trait.

2019-09-21 14:00:58 UTC  

@Seven Proxies Please cite me some tangible difference in behaviour that were caused by nature rather than nurture, I don't want you to map the human genome or do brain scans

2019-09-21 14:01:37 UTC  

@B[] Fair enough.

If you want me to give my own views though, then I'll do so. I think that for the most part, racial loyalty is only natural and mostly beneficial for the individual for psychological reasons.

People are limited by the confines of their own psychology and behaviour at the end of the day, and one such limitation is the fact that people of the same race have an easier time identifying with and empathizing with eachother than they have of people of different races. And this is scientifically proven in several studies.

The more harmonious and peaceful societies tend to be monoracial, whereas societies exhibiting the most instability and cultural strife tend to be multi-racial and multi-ethnic. Either by accident or by design.

So IN GENERAL, it's best to keep races and ethnicities separate, because the idea of trying to "promote" interbreeding will never work on a large scale. It is more likely to cause backlash and entrenched positions than promoting pro-social behaviour across racial and ethnic borders.

2019-09-21 14:05:15 UTC  

@Seven Proxies

> If you want me to give my own views though, then I'll do so. I think that for the most part, racial loyalty is only natural and mostly beneficial for the individual for psychological reasons.

You continue to make grand unsupported statements...

> People are limited by the confines of their own psychology and behaviour at the end of the day, and one such limitation is the fact that people of the same race have an easier time identifying with and empathizing with eachother than they have of people of different races. And this is scientifically proven in several studies.

In the same way most guys go for somebody who reminds them of their mothers, you tend to stick with what you know.

> The more harmonious and peaceful societies tend to be monoracial, whereas societies exhibiting the most instability and cultural strife tend to be multi-racial and multi-ethnic. Either by accident or by design.

Have you visited the Middle East?

> So IN GENERAL, it's best to keep races and ethnicities separate, because the idea of trying to "promote" interbreeding will never work on a large scale. It is more likely to cause backlash and entrenched positions than promoting pro-social behaviour across racial and ethnic borders.

I'm not promoting it, I'm just saying it's okay. We shouldn't push for it, but at the same time if it happens naturally, it's not inherently bad.

2019-09-21 14:06:15 UTC  

The middle east is very multi racial and multi ethnic. We can "thank" Islam for that.

2019-09-21 14:07:25 UTC  

"Racial loyalty" is a horribly bad take on how the Hamilton inequality works. Think this through for almost all of human evolution nobody ever met anyone of a different race. The adaptation to distrust other races would be useless.

Say you have two variants. Homo Sargonis and Homo Taylor. Both in primeval Europe. Homo Sargonis is positive toward people with the same cultural expressions (clothing, jewelry etc) and Homo Taylor is positive to those with the same skin color. Homo Sargonis treats those with the same cultural affinities in his tribe favorably and fears the tribe over the hill (which is phenotypically indiscernible from his own)

Homo Taylor dies tragically by being brained by a neighboring tribesman who has the same skin color while pensively searching for darkie invaders.