Message from @Corte
Discord ID: 624622238343233547
and my 14 year old cousin looks 17
ages and looks can be tricky
specially with females and low t soyboys
I sound like I'm 40, look like I'm 20 but am 24
rn i sound like i have been smoking since i was in my dad's ballscak
but because i have a very nasty cold and my throat is fucked up
Not all of us are born with destroyed vocal cords
nah normally i sound my age somewhat
I've heard your voice I don't believe you
you think i sound older or younger
i'll take it as a compliment
Why are all the obese wojacks drawn with pubes for hair?
my prophile pic is a glorious spanish infantryman
I accidentally yeeted and deleeted a Ben Shpairo Superhero meme
My pic is a stock image of potato pancakes.
Was a quality meme
Nah, where he is in a blue outfit with a star of david
most of my prophile pics are myself so i guess it'd just be hardcore masturbation
Saying "when someone says" and i don't remember the punchline
fucking weebs
im glad we burn you in spain
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck actually it's more like 3 black do 50 crime
@Gservator stop factchecking my meme, you fucking leaf
im about as sure of my anal virginity as i am that those area 51 pics are faker than russian democratic elections
Look at how my media represents the political candidates, @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck of course I fact check