Message from @MrDrk666
Discord ID: 625711352413159437
Nining leven, the tragic day in which Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming , Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico tragically flew into the twin towers.
Oh 😢 nining leven... how could the Great Plains do that!
lewd af
intolerant stool
Hah you people don't know how to report
I thought we gave up Pederasty with ancient greece
We need to go back to the 50s
Destroy the 90s
The 90s were good, the 2010s suck
its your fault degen
cuck lefties rounied the future
instea dof transgender vagina wombs we could of had flying cars
homosexuality is child abuse
We have prototype flying cars, hoverboards and Jetpacks
Here's the thing, trans people are self imposing eugenics, they chemically/surgically castrate themselves removing them from the genepool
That’s one hell of a way to deal with gender dysphoria
Weed it out of the gene pool
It's the only way