Message from @Septurd
Discord ID: 626222529660452869
I am pure english, fuck off
stop with the foul language
And I have a 140 IQ
eat pant
Too cy00t not to repost
Nice repost
@livid_scrooge "I am very smart, see, there is a large number for which I have no evidence I am willing to share."
I don't need to share
i got offered a job as a teachers aide today
i laughed so fuckingnhard
I'm the only proof you need
then your assertion of IQ means nothing
told the teacher im too old schpol for kids nowadays. id wanna beat them with a yard stick
I think we should all agree with Greta about two things:
1) She should be back in school and
2) No one should care about what she has to say and no one should be paying any attention to her.
No one cares Merlin
No one cares Merlin
Dotty Mcfaggoty Fuck Face, you care enough to tell me how much you do not care
I'm just letting you know I'm superior, someone else
I didn't ask for your two cents asshole
@livid_scrooge is an Alpha Chad guys watch out
fuck off
Greta is like that one autistic kid in school that you wish would shut up everytime she talks in class because her voice is so fucking annoying
Nor I for yours
Yea I am
cry more
Dotty is an Intellectual Hower Pouse