Message from @Boop / 브파 / C'thUwU

Discord ID: 626249111078961156

2019-09-25 02:48:31 UTC  

had it with this @livid_scrooge ?

2019-09-25 02:48:34 UTC  

I did NOT post that

2019-09-25 02:48:35 UTC  

or something else

2019-09-25 02:48:48 UTC  

just want to be clear

2019-09-25 02:48:52 UTC  


2019-09-25 02:48:59 UTC  

when you make a dnd tile of ben shapiro

2019-09-25 02:49:01 UTC  

I watched you post it

2019-09-25 02:49:05 UTC  

Go to the times listed in the image and you'll see he did infact say that

2019-09-25 02:49:17 UTC  

Stop with the propaganda with french fries and burgers.

2019-09-25 02:49:20 UTC  

Not that

2019-09-25 02:49:25 UTC  

The other image

2019-09-25 02:49:28 UTC

2019-09-25 02:49:38 UTC  

The faggot one?

2019-09-25 02:49:43 UTC  

I DID say these things but this was taken out of context

2019-09-25 02:49:50 UTC

2019-09-25 02:49:52 UTC  

looks pretty contextual

2019-09-25 02:49:57 UTC  

That was the context

2019-09-25 02:50:12 UTC  

just fuck already you two

2019-09-25 02:50:23 UTC  

asked a direct question, give a direct answer, respond directly in a flustered state

2019-09-25 02:50:23 UTC

2019-09-25 02:50:23 UTC  

I have standards @Ayylmao

2019-09-25 02:50:26 UTC  

seems pretty much in context

2019-09-25 02:50:40 UTC  

@livid_scrooge good on ya deleting your reply

2019-09-25 02:50:47 UTC  

Deleteing message <:nymnO:462108364302712833>

2019-09-25 02:51:02 UTC  

because there was no reply and you have no proof that I even posted it

2019-09-25 02:51:05 UTC  

So shut up

2019-09-25 02:51:17 UTC  

I posted proof

2019-09-25 02:51:34 UTC  

Y'all ever just keep feeding the trolls?

2019-09-25 02:51:38 UTC

2019-09-25 02:51:51 UTC  

@manic-echo it entertains me

2019-09-25 02:52:16 UTC

2019-09-25 02:52:28 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for Gservator#6105, +Silence, -Xenos

2019-09-25 02:52:32 UTC  


2019-09-25 02:52:35 UTC  

That's what happens

2019-09-25 02:52:40 UTC  

@Gservator have fun

2019-09-25 02:52:41 UTC  


2019-09-25 02:53:00 UTC  

based mods

2019-09-25 02:53:06 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for Boop / 브파 / C'thUwU#9646, +Silence, -Xenos

2019-09-25 02:53:11 UTC  

Maybe next time you don't fuck with me