Message from @Frank-2, Revolver Frankcelot

Discord ID: 626582059842011146

2019-09-26 00:34:36 UTC  


2019-09-26 00:34:44 UTC  

Wats that?

2019-09-26 00:34:52 UTC  

it's just the left that's shoving politics into everything

2019-09-26 00:34:54 UTC  


2019-09-26 00:35:04 UTC  

If being promiscuous was better and healthier for people and society, won't it be the norm? But it's not. Social customs are just like evolution, the ones that work stick around, the ones that don't become obscure and even frowned upon.

2019-09-26 00:35:07 UTC  

^ Affordable Care Act

2019-09-26 00:35:16 UTC  

Oh, yeah ACA. It's shit

2019-09-26 00:35:57 UTC  

@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex

Funny thing that. When GG was happening I stayed quiet about my personal politics because most of us were to the left of me.....

2019-09-26 00:36:12 UTC  

It's free, if you somehow find a way to sign up for it that actually works

2019-09-26 00:37:51 UTC  

when GG was happening i mostly stayed quiet because even at a glance it was evident that there was a LOT of accusations with nothing to back them up, and i'd rather not say some horribly inaccurate shit due to not knowing and look like an imbecile

2019-09-26 00:40:29 UTC  

if you asked me about zoe quinn at the time my position boiled down to "how is this nobody so relevant all of the sudden? this stinks of bs. not sure from where just yet, but the smell of shit is strong on this mess"

2019-09-26 00:42:17 UTC  

Oh I was all-in on it. Like I have my beliefs I vote some years I poll watch. That's just normal civic duty shit. I play games to relax. Coming after that with political bullshit was just over the line. ZQ was not that relevant. That was an earlier thing called 5-guys. Honestly nobody gave a shit about that. What happened was the people *defending* ZQ used identity politics as a weapon, Which still wasn't a big deal until they started censoring everyone who disagreed.

2019-09-26 00:42:34 UTC  

Sitch did a good overveiw of it let me find it....

2019-09-26 00:43:34 UTC  

also that. political censorship in videogames is just as politics shit as "drumfph is racist!"

2019-09-26 00:43:40 UTC  

Pretty good TL;DR.

2019-09-26 00:44:12 UTC  

@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex

Oh not in the games. In the forums.

2019-09-26 00:44:32 UTC  

oh hey i watched that particular video back when it was newer-ish

2019-09-26 00:44:47 UTC  

I missed GG, before I got into politics I just gamed alone and only bought the occasional game I knew I personally would like. So it didn't affect me

2019-09-26 00:47:11 UTC  

NGL it was a lot of fun.

2019-09-26 00:53:24 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 same here

2019-09-26 00:53:40 UTC  

Only knew of it because a SocJus friend mentioned it

2019-09-26 00:56:04 UTC  

I found out about Gamergate during the 2016 election

2019-09-26 00:56:33 UTC  

They still do. I cannot help but find that part amusing. I think it's because, up until then, they never lost a fight. Since then they just lose constantly.

2019-09-26 00:57:22 UTC  

It was a tipping point towards rationality

2019-09-26 00:58:03 UTC  

It’s a permanent reminder that they are but mere mortals, just like the rest of us

2019-09-26 00:58:06 UTC  

The first group diverse enough to fight back on their terms

2019-09-26 00:58:23 UTC  

It showed the Once SocJust gamers and Atheists that something else was being made than what they thought was

2019-09-26 01:11:48 UTC  
2019-09-26 01:20:30 UTC

2019-09-26 01:22:15 UTC  

Shit, now I feel old, now. GG was like 5 minutes ago. >.>

2019-09-26 01:22:40 UTC  

And just another datapoint on a long series of datapoints in relation.

2019-09-26 01:39:06 UTC  

I mean it might have been a tipping point. Before that they could say, "normie normalson is a racist" and it would stick. And they could destroy anyone like that. But we just wouldn't shut up. And we wouldn't quit. And in the end they lost which was not something that had happened before. And now when they try that everyone just ignores them because they know it is bullshit.

2019-09-26 01:49:33 UTC

2019-09-26 01:55:34 UTC

2019-09-26 01:56:10 UTC  

And THAT is why fines should be based on how much money you have

2019-09-26 01:57:05 UTC  

"You have 10 million dollars in the bank? well here's a 100k dollar parking fine"

2019-09-26 01:57:19 UTC  

That’s impractical, I’m not against the idea of fairness

2019-09-26 01:57:29 UTC  

But it’s just impractical for a street fine

2019-09-26 01:57:29 UTC

2019-09-26 01:57:31 UTC  

I mean it is done pythin