Message from @D'Marcus Liebowitz
Discord ID: 343626904076812288
lol second
was this the song playing at the club
For them to get you with criminal trespass they first have to give you a written no trespass
Individual First Aid Kit
Most of them have no clew
>tfw no Tomorrow Belongs to Me
@D'Marcus Liebowitz What about Blink 1488 Fascist?
@AnotherbasedGoy suggest a song
otherwise, do you like the playlist?
Yeah, great playlist
You need A Real Hero by Electric Youth
And Tomorrow Belongs to Me, the HQ restored audio version
@Hand Banana Real Hero is too slow/atmospheric for a party... yes to skrewdriver
D'Marcus u r wrong bud
I have 3 gigs of old RAC and OI on my phone 😊
@Hand Banana Real Hero is a great song, but it's not party material
I disagree
@swoligarch Yea
TERRIBLE internet