Message from @Little Boots

Discord ID: 622946228782628884

2019-09-16 00:00:01 UTC  

wait snowpirate, if you wouldnt refer to the american states as states what term would you use then?

2019-09-16 00:00:07 UTC  

for them, the authority on the local level comes from the top

2019-09-16 00:00:13 UTC  

for us, it comes form the bottom

2019-09-16 00:00:17 UTC  

Think about it like the Swiss government. You have the main Swiss government and then all of the principalities that make up Switzerland.

2019-09-16 00:00:54 UTC  

It’s the State as a whole. The “State” is the entire Govt from local to the federal. It’s all one and the same political entity as the US govt

2019-09-16 00:01:07 UTC  

i’ll link this again for you to read

2019-09-16 00:01:14 UTC  

Each one of them, if we assume a pre-Civil war US mindset, had more political say within their boundaries than the federal government.

2019-09-16 00:01:35 UTC  

A US 'State' was viewed by the consitutions was much like a european country with a federalized gov which each also participated in as equals

2019-09-16 00:01:55 UTC  

each state was considered soverign

2019-09-16 00:02:42 UTC  


2019-09-16 00:03:00 UTC  

A state can be distinguished from a government. The state is the organization while the government is the particular group of people, the administrative bureaucracy that controls the state apparatus at a given time.[27][28][29] That is, governments are the means through which state power is employed. States are served by a continuous succession of different governments.[29] States are immaterial and nonphysical social objects, whereas governments are groups of people with certain coercive powers.[30]

Each successive government is composed of a specialized and privileged body of individuals, who monopolize political decision-making, and are separated by status and organization from the population as a whole.

2019-09-16 00:03:07 UTC  

this was taken from your thing snow

2019-09-16 00:03:19 UTC  

that is the british or 'more general' form of the term

2019-09-16 00:04:12 UTC  

Some cuck closed the stream chat. If @Dee Smith is here then:
I have to fight myself every damn day not to die from dehydration, it appears that world needs to fuck itself up from time to time :v

Sorry for interrupting the discussion

2019-09-16 00:04:29 UTC  

the key difference is whether one is talking from the perspective of individuals who lend authority to their local gov (state) and then that local gov lends some authority to the federalized gov

2019-09-16 00:04:31 UTC  


2019-09-16 00:05:05 UTC  

that each region is assigned a local administrator which receives it's authority top down from a centralized authority

2019-09-16 00:05:21 UTC  

they are two different perspectives

2019-09-16 00:05:39 UTC  

godman i agree with you, i dont quite understand what snow is saying

2019-09-16 00:05:54 UTC  

I think he is confused.

2019-09-16 00:06:07 UTC  

i mean if we are referring to a federal state

2019-09-16 00:06:12 UTC  

But, anyways, the North has always been filled with snobs.

2019-09-16 00:06:18 UTC  


2019-09-16 00:06:19 UTC  

then theres the "nation state"

2019-09-16 00:06:23 UTC  

and the states within it

2019-09-16 00:06:24 UTC  

I don’t believe any of you know what i’m referring to

2019-09-16 00:06:43 UTC  

damn you, i could go with some starbursts now

2019-09-16 00:06:50 UTC  

I need one.

2019-09-16 00:07:33 UTC  

that's probably a better way to view it; city-states which merged to become nation-states vs states which simple act voluntarily together with other city states and appear to the outside as one nation state

2019-09-16 00:07:40 UTC  

But, anyways, the reason why I call the North “snobs” is because they’ve always had a higher opinion of themselves than everyone else.

2019-09-16 00:07:40 UTC  

The second one is exactly what palpatine said.
I actually compared guy's and sidious' speeches and boy they even bring the same points in the same order
Nation state is just another form of an empire where different ethnic groups create a larger political organism based on shared language and basic values

2019-09-16 00:07:51 UTC include the timestamp, what the fuck is this? Boris and Camilla in the background just like "wtf is this" whilst this german dude is straight up hitler saluting

2019-09-16 00:08:01 UTC  


2019-09-16 00:08:07 UTC

2019-09-16 00:08:23 UTC  

stop making me hungry you cunts

2019-09-16 00:08:31 UTC  

wait WHAT

2019-09-16 00:08:32 UTC  

@Valrysha I'm always up for a good sieg heil during olympics.

2019-09-16 00:08:38 UTC  

cunts make me hungry too