
Discord ID: 302485507420585985

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strive to be a better man then you once were


are you sure it was the shrooms?

i guess what you needed was a different state of mind to realize the reality of the situation?

amen to that


this is not ok


i like coffee like i like my dick

and mugging me

40 year old mum

that owl is kawaii as fuck

morphine does make it harder to feel pain

so that could be seen as a super power

isnt meth and morphine sort of the same thing?

i thought they had some kind of relationship

like meth was derived from morphine

forgive my retardation

drug was invented as a form of population control by (((them)))

surely it just depends on how much alcohol we're talking here

for example, if talking LSD has a chance to result in secondary injuries consistently

but that is something that effects later life right?

and LSD is immediate

so by that, wouldn't it make LSD more consistently dangerous

here's an question, if you had to OD on something (removing the impossibility of some objects to OD on) what would it be?

respectable answer

but i want margarita directly injected into my veins

(((oy vey)))

i take you chaps are britbongians as well?

uksio and weez atleast

atleast they aint smoking skunk

where i live, it very commonly reeks of weed

also vapes just smell nicer (Depending on the juice of course)

and nicotine

vape still has nicotine


prob wouldn't have the same appeal

that sounds like a one way trip to A&E

oh. well nevermind

a one way trip to rehab then

slap the bitch

slap the bitch

surely you could go worse then tea?

i mean being addicted isn't very pleasant id imagine but you know

at least it wouldn't kill you

i just got the joke

i dont know whether to feel bad for you or the champaigne glass

odie, you're pretty cool, dont come to johns place tomorrow

this is why dogs are the best pets

sounds like a one way trip to the leftist gulag to me

and dyed hair

well i mean, if they have an axe then surely the force a guy can put into it is a lot more then a woman

so still helping

but as i said

remember when haircuts like that would get you kicked out of the police?

dead format but so true

and the pussyfication of are services to do what is right

sadiq khan can suck my dick

tell me lads

where did it go so wrong?

i blame tony

proof that we need a liberty prime

@Danacrag aren't aces typically fighters?

ah right

boomers most likely then

rolling thunder and all that

religious extremists of any kind are like that

i doubt they would go so far to use a dirty bomb

the feminists not the muslims

its not the antifa type in parliament though


though i dont hate women

the catholic church

why tf is it yellow


cant say i have

but like a man

so better women

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