Message from @Spooky Melon
Discord ID: 625382233414303757
Why do people take corbyn seriously?
no fucking clue
He seems like a deranged Marxist
*maybe they are*
He's deranged
But definitely not marxist
**Join Boris**
Thieves know no side
Build a wall
BoJo is **THE** Jack of all trades
**Join Boris**
And make Germany pay for it
*im not posting the entire 75 images again*
**Join Boris**
if these photos fail to convince anyone to support him, they are the deepest ingrained marxists, and should be shot.
Did he knock her over in a race?
now, if y'all dont mind, i will go back to exterminating muties
Wow ypu just yoted on him
how am I supposed to be fucking looking at this
1 2 3 4
1 2 4 3
hello dotty
It's scrooge
how are you doing dotty
@livid_scrooge <:angrypepe:497157904743268363>
Please dont tell me what to do