Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 277119211988320258
Freer the market, the freer the people
Government intervention results in crony capitalism
>not feudalism
It's a fickle creature, if jobs are in high supply and workers in high demand it's awesome
fucking peasants
If the reverse it sucks
charles this isnt 900AD
ITS 2016
FACT: Franks are the most powerful race in the world
That's lame
I can argue with people online
Seconded @GoGo
Legit though Unregulated capitalism is great
If I'm going somewhere I'm going to fight some commies
>pepper spray
I'll just fire my recreational nukes at ANTIFA for violating the NAP
they're not peaceful, they're riots
Whats a 1$ bandana over my face?
I own a small restaraunt
communism is shit
capitalism is shit
This image never makes sense to me
gee i wonder if there's some sort of... third option
Mixed Market Economics?
dont fucking say it charles
It's just "hey someone is vaguely oppressing us"
hush child
>Implying Stalin would be upset
@karling natsoc?
Why did Gary Johnson even run
He's a joke to us Libertarians